How Do Aries Deal With Breakups?

    From March 21 to April 20. WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN DOING:

    Aries, you have flirted, you have dated to be above your exes, you have never swallowed your pride or focused on healing your wounds. When you have been hurt, Aries, you go to machete and more with your exes. You do not forgive, you do not forget, and you will do whatever it takes to make that person pay for what they did by giving them their own medicine. People want you, and you are a person capable of raising much envy in others, also capable of doing a lot of Aries damage. But they don't always deserve you to do that to them even if it's what you want the most in the world. Sometimes you convince yourself at all costs that breakups don't hurt you, and yet, Aries does it to you, even if you get out of everything afterward. When the Each Zodiac Sign Sad That You Should Know


    Suppose you go through a somewhat critical situation with one of your partners at any time. After this, they become EX, rest well, and process your emotions. Admit that the relationship could mean a lot to you and that if it hurts, it is precise because of that, because you really cared. The more you try to fill that void with other people, the more difficult it will be to move on. Accept Aries, and above all, understand that you are worth a lot, too much and that whatever happens, there will always be someone who wants to be next to that wild heart. You are complicated/or many times, and that genius and impulsiveness do not help much to do things well, but you are noble. And if one relationship ends, it will be time to start the next one when you are ready. Just be patient.