Signs in Mythology: Know the Meaning of your Sign

    Although today we see myths and legends differently, knowing the mythology of the signs is still an exercise full of magic and charm.

    Throughout the centuries, myths and legends have been how people have found to explain the mysteries of life and quell the urge to face the unknown and the most profound doubts of human existence. But, mythology was also used to define the personality of the zodiac signs. Since ancient times, people have looked at the night sky and imagined seeing figures in the groups of stars, what we call constellations. Traditionally, the twelve constellations of the Zodiac are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. These same designations are still used today to name the twelve signs.

    Signs in Mythology - The Beginning of Legends

    Founded on the constellations of the Zodiac, Astrology is the ancient belief that the position of the stars, planets, the Sun, and the Moon influence the character and destiny of people. The ancient peoples attributed important symbols to the constellations that they associated with their innumerable gods. They also believed that the stars symbolized events in their lives. Connected with nature and the cycle of the seasons, ancient peoples quickly searched the sky for a way to mark the passage of time and make nature more predictable. They soon saw figures and meanings in the constellations and stars, projecting their own psychological attributes. The constellations of the Zodiac were thus associated with myths and legends that tell the adventures of ancient gods, mythological animals, and eternal heroes. Ancient cultures created these stories to explain many issues of life on Earth, ordering chaos and justifying certain events in nature, such as changing the seasons and the passage of time. These legends also served to explore and describe human emotions. Man lived according to the gods' will, and to calm his anger or thank his favors, rituals, and cults were created. Each sign has a mystical history that, in some way, helps to frame some of the personality characteristics of its natives. Therefore, the relationship between the signs of the Zodiac and mythology is aligned with the temperament and actions of the gods. Although today we see myths and legends differently, knowing the mythology of the signs is still an exercise full of magic and charm.

    Signs in Greek Mythology

    Mythology Sign Aries

    - March 21 to April 20 - In Greek mythology, the most appropriate symbolism for the archetypal meaning of Aries is the story of the Golden Fleece and the Argonaut Expedition. The myth recounts the adventures of the brave hero Frixo, which well defines the fighting spirit and determination of the Aries native. Frixo and Hele, sons of King Atamante, were mistreated by their stepmother, who plotted to assassinate them. To help the brothers, the gods sent a ram with unique gifts whose body was covered with golden wool (also called fleece or fleece). The brothers climbed onto its back, and the animal rose into the air. Hele, the sister, fell asleep and fell into the sea. Plexus continued the journey and reached the kingdom of Colchis. The ram was sacrificed in honor of Zeus, and its golden skin was offered to King Aeetes. Mythology associates the ram with boldness and courage and the protective powers of its legendary golden fleece.

    Mythology Sign Taurus

    - April 21 to May 21 - Legend has it that Cerus was a wandering and lonely bull. Cerus was wild and uncontrollable, and he had no owner. One day Persephone, the goddess of spring, found him stepping on the flowers and approached him. The beauty and sweetness of the young woman soothed him, and the animal fell madly in love with her. Persephone tamed Cerus and taught him to be patient and to use his strength wisely. In autumn, when Persephone went to Hades, Cerus traveled to Heaven and became the constellation Taurus. Every year in the spring, Persephone returns to Earth, and Cerus joins her. At that moment, the goddess sits on his back, and he wanders through the sun-drenched fields while she makes all the plants bloom.

    Mythology Sign Gemini

    - May 22 to June 21 - Greek mythology associates Gemini with the legend of the two brothers Castor and Pollux, sons of Zeus. It all starts with the young Leda seduced by Zeus, the king of the gods. She was impregnated by him, but also by Tindareo, king of Sparta, her fiancდ©. Pregnant with twins, Leda gave birth to four babies. Two girls and two boys, whom he named Castor and Pollux. Brave and physically robust, the two brothers also excelled on the battlefield. Inseparable and united by a deep friendship, they lived in different conditions: Castor was mortal, and Pollux was an immortal demigod. Love was the cause of death for Castor, who kidnapped one of Leucippus's daughters with whom he fell in love. Pursued by the young woman's fiancდ©, he was killed in the confrontation. Desperate for his brother's death, Pollux pleaded with Zeus to bring him back to life. So, Zeus, who could not fulfill his request, united the two brothers in the constellation of Gemini so that they could both live together forever.

    Cancer Sign Mythology

    - June 22 to July 22 - According to legend, Carcinos was a giant crab that protected the sea nymphs of the kingdom of Poseidon. He was imposing and immortal and utterly devoted to his role as protector. One day some nymphs escaped, and Carcinos sent Vamiri, a giant squid, to retrieve them. But, Vamiri decided to devour them. Carcinos did not forgive his betrayal when he returned and even fought to kill him. Wounded and in agonizing pain, he was aided by Poseidon, who eased his pain by placing him in the sky as the constellation Cancer. From Heaven, Cancer reminds us of the protective nature of this sign, its care, and its vulnerable strength.

    Mythology Sign Leo

    - July 23 to August 23 - According to Greek mythology, there was a mystical lion known as the Lion of Nemea. Heracles, son of Zeus, to redeem himself for his crimes and become immortal, submitted to the will of Eurystheus and agreed to do twelve tasks. He lived in a cave with two entrances from which he came out to spread terror in the nearby villages. One of these missions was to kill the Lion of Nemea, which made it impossible for an ordinary mortal. Realizing the protective powers of Lion's skin, the hero skinned the monster by making a cape out of his skin and a helmet out of his head. Knowing that the Lion was immune to weapons, the cunning Heracles managed to kill it with his bare hands, strangling it. After his defeat, the spirit of the Lion was placed in the sky as the constellation Leo, in honor of his mythical power and magical strength.

    Virgo Sign Mythology

    - August 24 to September 23 - When Pandora could not resist the temptation to open the box and cast the curse on the human world, the gods left Earth and went to Heaven. Astrea, goddess of justice, innocence, and purity, saddened by greed, war, and the abandonment of men concerning their obligations to the gods, was the last to leave, taking refuge in the constellation Virgo. The balance of Astrea forms another constellation (Libra) to remind men of the importance of justice and laws. Shining in the sky, Virgo reminds us of virtue and justice that should reign in the world of men.

    Libra Sign Mythology

    - September 24 to October 23 - Greek mythology associates the sign Libra with the Greek goddess Astrea, represented by the constellation Virgo. Or sign is represented by the plates of the scales of justice, held by Astrea, goddess of justice, innocence, and purity. Astrea symbolizes harmony and balance in everything and the importance of considering all situations. Sometimes it is represented with a blindfold, a symbol of the impartiality demanded of the magistrates.

    Mythology Sign Scorpio

    - October 24 to November 22 - The Greek myth associated with Scorpio involves the god Orion and the goddess Artemis. One day, the presumptuous and brute Orion boasted that he was the best hunter and that he would kill all the animals on Earth to prove it. Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, was in love with him; therefore, she had no intention of stopping him. This angered Apollo, Orion's twin brother. With the help of Gaia, the Earth goddess, he created a ferocious scorpion to kill him. The two fought, and the scorpion won. In recognition of his good deed in preventing the extinction of all animals, Zeus honored him by placing him in the sky as the constellation Scorpio.

    Mythology Sign Sagittarius

    - November 23 to December 21 - Greek mythology associates the sign Sagittarius with the gentle and compassionate centaur Chiron: half man, half horse. Chiron was intelligent, civilized, kind, and scholarly, unlike the other centaurs. One day, while trying to ward off other centaurs who were causing trouble, Heracles, son of Zeus, accidentally caught up with Chiron. The hero felt deep regret when he found him helpless and wounded with his poisoned arrows. Chiron was immortal, but he suffered the agony of pain. Seeing his suffering, Prometheus, a powerful titan, aided him, raising him to the skies as the constellation Sagittarius. Chiron is considered by mythology to be a great healer, astrologer, and a respected oracle. The bow and arrow represent your ability to tell the truth bluntly.

    Capricorn Sign Mythology

    - December 22 to January 20 - In Greek mythology, the Capricorn sign is associated with the story of Prico, the mythological goat, with the head and body of a goat and the tail of a fish. Created by Cronos, the god of time, Prico had the same ability to manipulate time. She lived near the sea and was recognized as an honorable and intelligent creature. Prico saw with sadness from his marine kingdom that his children were moving further and further away from the sea as they swam towards the beach and remained on the mainland. Over time, her children lost their tails, intelligence, and ability to speak and live in the sea. They were turning into normal goats. Prico invested time and warned his children about the fate that awaited them on Earth to prevent this from happening, but his effort was in vain. His children continued to swim to Earth and left the sea. Desolate, Prico asked Cronos to end his immortality. But this instead placed him in the sky as the constellation Capricorn. In this way, he could continue to see his children, even when they were playing on the highest peak of the mountains. Capricorn reminds us of parental love and the importance of letting go.

    Aquarius Sign Mythology

    - January 21 to February 19 - In Greek mythology, the sign of Aquarius is associated with the story of Ganymede, a handsome young prince of Troy. One day, while Ganymede was tending his father's flocks, Zeus was enchanted by his virility and great beauty. He transformed into an eagle, kidnapped the young man, and took him to Mount Olympus, becoming his servant and lover. Ganymede was the messenger of the gods and served them drinks when asked. One day, Ganymede rebelled against his status as an enslaved person. Instead of punishing him, Zeus decided to grant him immortality and put him in the sky as the constellation Aquarius. The Water Bearer, a symbol of Aquarius, reminds us that chaos and rebellion are sometimes necessary when fighting for equality and freedom.

    Pisces Mythology Sign

    - February 20 to March 20 - The mythology of the Pisces sign is associated with Aphrodite, goddess of beauty, and her son Eros (god of love). One day, Gaia (the goddess of Earth) sent the mighty monster Typhon to Mount Olympus to attack the gods. To protect themselves from their attacks, the gods turned into animals. At one point, Aphrodite and Eros were bathing on the banks of the Euphrates River and did not hear the warning cries. When Typhoon suddenly appeared in the Waters, the two gods transformed into fish to escape the monster's fury. Later, two fish were placed in the sky as the constellation Pisces to celebrate the salvation of love and beauty. For the Romans, Venus was the name of Aphrodite that represented the spiritual dimensions of the realms of love and art of Venus.

    Origin of the Personality of the Signs

    Discover how each Astrology element contributes to the definition of the personality of the signs.