Which Zodiac Is Most Humble and Which One Is Most Self-centered?

    We all know that loving yourself and having self-esteem is something that makes you a better person, something that makes you able to grow, and, above all, to be able to believe in yourself. But some people take this to the extreme, and others do not even know how to love themselves. Although loving yourself can bring many positive things, doing it too much can make us seem narcissistic or overly self-centered. Here is the ranking of the signs from most humble to most self-centered: No.1 Pisces:  It is 100% proven that Pisces is the most humble sign of the Zodiac and lacks the most self-esteem. Pisces is a person who is always thinking of others is always aware that none of those around him suffer. He is very aware of how his words and actions can harm others. And sometimes, he can forget himself. That is where the problems begin; you forget that you can become an influential person and achieve anything you set your mind to. Pisces knows how to love but does not know how to love himself, which is the problem. He is too humble, to such an extent that sometimes he is not healthy for himself. But it is in their nature to be like that; Pisces is happy to see others happy; it is something that cannot be avoided. No.2 Sagittarius: Sagittarius is that person who is not afraid to say things as they are; he is one of those who do not mind hurting the feelings of those people who know they deserve it. Be careful because this does not mean that he does not have a heart; it is more, if he really cares about you, Sagittarius will know how to take care of you and keep you by his side. If Sagi perceives that you are an obstacle in her life or someone who steals energy from her, she will have no problem getting you out of her life. Although this sign is not the most egocentric of the Zodiac, its ego is quite large at times. He does not always like to listen to others and generally worries a lot about his own image and the image that others take of him. Right off the bat, Sagi can come to seem more self-centered than he really is. No.3 Libra: How Libra Flirts Vs How It Is With a Couple Libra loves to talk about himself and likes to be praised, be congratulated when he does things well, and feel loved. She loves that people remind her how special she is and the bright light she always gives off. But, the difference with other signs that are much more egocentric and narcissistic is that Libra has no problem being as kind as others are to them. A Libra comes from within to help others and even sends the occasional compliment to the people he loves. He has no problem giving good compliments and being honest with the people around him. Don't expect dishonest behavior from Libra. He tells you everything he thinks at all times, and he is not one of those people who will only tell you good things to look good. Libra loves to be accurate, which makes him so unique. No.4 Gemini: Geminis are too kind to be considered self-centered. Although the way he likes to talk about himself can sometimes make him seem a bit self-centered, that remains in words and does not go further. In relationships, Gemini is where you find that you can't force people to listen to you all the time. Geminis are not the typical navel-gazing person who wants others to look at it as well. Not so, in a relationship, Gemini is more about sharing absolutely everything, both problems, and achievements. Of course, he also likes to have his needs met, and if he meets a person who is not capable of it, he will have no problem immediately removing him from his life. Gemini can be a humble and kind person, but they know where the limits are. No.5 Cancer: All of us who know Cancer know that there are times when he is a little self-centered. The crab is known to be someone in constant need of attention, and for that alone, it might have 10% egocentricity in its body, but nothing more. Cancer needs to feel validated; it needs to feel that it has the support and love of its people. He can also be a bit self-centered because he wants everything he gives to others to be received back. He expects them to give him what he gives to others. But make no mistake, in general, Cancer is usually a very kind and very attentive person. Do not be scared because Cancer is a straightforward person to treat usually. It may have moments when the center of the universe is created, but it lasts for just a few minutes. No.6 Taurus: What Are the Stereotypes of Taurus That You Should Know As soon as you have just met Taurus, it is true that you can come to think that he is a very egocentric person who only cares about himself and no one else. But in reality, it is not like that. You have to get to know Taurus very well to be able to judge him because his appearances most of the time are deceiving. Once you really know what he is like, you will discover that he is not as self-centered as you thought. Taurus is more humble than you can imagine. He is one of those who does not mind helping you if he knows you need it; indeed, with his family and his closest people, he leaves everything to help them. That egocentric has very little. Yes, there are times when he is too competitive, and he does not like people touching his things, but that does not make him a person who only knows how to look at his navel. Taurus is not like that, and it will never be like that. No.7 Capricorn: Not another thing, but Capricorn is a great defender of things, always being as fair as possible. Always try to treat others in the same way that they have treated them. Capricorn is very aware of the damage that can be done with his words or with his actions; therefore, he always tries to be as fair as possible to everyone. The problem with Capricorn is that there are times when he is too cold, both with others and with himself. Capricorn is that person who tries to control his feelings at all times so as not to hurt himself. Capri lacks much self-esteem; she knows that she is strong and that she will achieve whatever she sets her mind to, but she prefers to see the glass half empty to half full. He knows who he is and all the power he has inside, but he is very humble and does not need to rub it around. No.8 Aries: We have already entered marshy terrain. We are talking about Aries, a sign that has many egos but that has nothing to do with being egocentric. Aries is a very ambitious person who cares too much about their dignity and their own goals. He is one of those who work to maintain a good image and, above all, who works to achieve his goals. If you really want Aries to listen to you, you will have to do everything you can for it. Aries has a high bar and doesn't let just anyone into its life. He has a lot to accomplish yet, and if he thinks you are someone who comes to interrupt him, he will not let you into his life. Aries knows that he is not the best in the world, that many people are still above him. Still, instead of being humble and accepting things as they are, Aries is one of those who fights to bring down all those people who are above. No.9 Virgo: What You Want Vs What You Need That You Should Know Virgo When it comes to being the best, Virgo is one of those signs that do anything always to be above. The intelligence it has is not comparable to that of any other sign. Virgo pride and ego can be talked about for hours and hours. Even without realizing it, Virgo can spend much time talking about himself, even if you haven't even asked him. He may not express it in words, but Virgo is one of those who believes himself to be the best wherever he goes, and it is that in part, he indeed is. Virgo cannot bear almost any criticism unless they are constructive and sometimes not even that. It is always the best of the best, and for them, there should be no criticism. The problem with being like that comes when you are in a relationship with another person. That strong character and that big ego can make sparks fly from time to time. Because you also have to remember that a Virgo will never bend his arm, even when he knows he is wrong. If you are going to argue with Virgo, make sure you have strong arguments because otherwise, you will be totally lost. No.10 Aquarius: Of the air signs, Aquarius is the most egocentric sign. And it is because of his independence and his freedom that he is capable of doing anything. Be careful because being independent is not bad; many people find independence attractive. But you also have to know that Aquarius is someone who will never let their emotions get in their way. Basically, you won't let anyone try to bother you at any time. If he has to get rid of you to reach his goal, Aquarius will have no problem doing so. He is a knowledgeable person who aspires to reach very high. If you want to be with Aquarius, you have to be just as unique as them, but they will never want you to be better than them. Aquarius loves to serve as a motivation and inspiration for others; even if he does not recognize it, he loves to serve as a reference. But you have to be careful because if you feel like someone is stealing your attention or trying to compete, that's when things start to get pretty murky. No.11 Scorpio: A Scorpio's ego can be just as dangerous as its poison. It is essential to be very careful if you are going to oppose him at some point because you can get very hurt. It is not that he is a more stubborn person than the earth signs, but he is much more dangerous. What bothers them most about Scorpio is not the fact that it is difficult to oppose him; the most annoying thing is that if he notices that you are opposing him, he will do anything to be above. It doesn't mind stepping on you, and it doesn't mind putting stones in your way. Pride and your ego go up to that level. Scorpios don't mind hurting if they really know you deserve it. He is not the person with the most self-esteem in the Zodiac, but he knows that he is someone powerful. He may not have the best self-esteem in the world, but he is unequivocal that he came into the world to be the best. He can be humble, but he will only be humble with the closest people, his best friends, and his family, but sometimes not even that. No.12 Leo:Why Leo Could Lose His Own Leo always has to be the first in everything because if he is not, he can get furious. They lack neither self-esteem, humbleness, pride, nor ego. It is well served in all respects. On the good, a lion is a person who trusts himself a lot, and thanks to that trust, he has almost always gone very far. Leo always has to be the center of attention, and he does not care that others look at him; he does not care that they talk about him because that for him means that he is above others. The bad comes when someone tries to compete with him; that's when he can take out the heavy artillery. Leo is a VERY competitive person and is capable of doing anything to come first. Also, the negative aspect is when it comes to having a relationship with Leo. It is pretty challenging to deal with a person with such an ego and a strong character. Leo can become very egocentric if he sets his mind to it, but he knows perfectly where the limits are, although there are times when his self-control fails him a little.