Zodiac Signs Compatibility

    If you are curious about the signs' compatibility, you are in the right place. Discover how the attributes of the signs can influence the way they relate to each other.

    The compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac is quite a popular area of Astrology. As we hardly live alone, the search for harmony is fundamental. We all seek answers for the various areas of our lives, and those relating to relationships are particularly relevant to our well-being. After all, every day, we contact someone; whether in the family, at work, or socially. It is also true that the level of satisfaction in relation to our relationships can make us more or less happy people and be good with life. If you are curious about the signs' compatibility, you are in the right place. Here, you will learn how the qualities of the signs can influence the way they relate to each other. Although there are no recipes, specific personal characteristics shape our personality, the way we relate to others, and the expectations we bring to each type of relationship. It is about these types of relationships that we will talk about here.

    Relationships in Astrology and the Compatibility of Signs

    Many centuries ago, Astrology studied and created the basis of the entire astrological system, which we still know and apply today. In Astrology, the basis of everything is Nature, and the rules and phenomena of the natural world reflect and shape all matter and existence. This concept is essential to understand everything, including the relationships between the signs. To understand the compatibility of the signs and the way in which the different astrological personalities relate to each other, it is essential to know and identify the origin of your temperament.

    Temperament and Compatibility of Signs

    Our starting point for the analysis of the compatibility of the signs was based on the Primitive Qualities or Primordial Qualities, that is, on the essential characteristics of the signs. For Astrology, life and matter are molded around two axes: "Hot and Cold" and "Dry and Humid," so that:
    • Hot represents action, movement, and impulsiveness
    • Cold represents receptivity, passivity, melancholy, and observation
    • Dry represents permanence, stagnation, crystallization, and concentration
    • Wet represents flexibility, volatility, and malleability

    Elements - The Type of Temperament of Signs

    From these axes, Astrology defined the Elements (or Triplicities), which reflect the Earth's four basic substances ( Primitive Qualities ): Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. Associated with each of the signs, they represent different ways of facing life and, therefore, also help to characterize the compatibility of the signs:
    • The Fire signs are inspiring, impulsive, enthusiastic, and energetic
    • The Earth signs are practical, stable
    • The Air Signs are intellectual and communicative
    • The Water signs are emotional, sensitive, imaginative, and spiritual

    Modes - The Energy Type of Signs

    Astrology added another influence from the natural world to the Primordial Qualities and the Elements: the Modes (also known as Modalities or Quadruplicities). These represent the type of energy of the sign and are Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable.
    • The Cardinal signs are initiators
    • The fixed signs are stabilizing
    • The Mutable signs are adaptable

    Duality: Male Signs and Feminine Signs

    Duality is another classification of signs that contributes to the characterization of the astral personality and the compatibility of the signs. The Zodiac is divided into six male signs (also known as positive, active, or Yang ) and six female signs (also known as negative, passive, or Yin ). All Fire and Air signs are male, and all Earth and Water signs are female.
    • The masculine signs are energetic, action-based, and oriented towards the outside world
    • The feminine signs are receptively oriented towards the inner world

    Table of Primordial Qualities of the Zodiac Signs

    Systematizing the information above, these are the Qualities, Elements, Dualities, and Modes of the 12 signs:


    • Primordial Qualities: Dry and Hot
    • Element: Fire
    • Duality: Male
    • Quadruplicity: Cardinal


    • Primordial Qualities: Dry and Cold
    • Element: Terra
    • Duality: Female
    • Quadruplicity: Fixed


    • Primordial Qualities: Humid and Hot
    • Element: Ar
    • Duality: Male
    • Quadruplicity: Mutable


    • Primordial Qualities: Humid and Cold
    • Element: Water
    • Duality: Female
    • Quadruplicity: Cardinal


    • Primordial Qualities: Dry and Hot
    • Element: Fire
    • Duality: Male
    • Quadruplicity: Fixed


    • Primordial Qualities: Dry and Cold
    • Element: Terra
    • Duality: Female
    • Quadruplicity: Mutable


    • Primordial Qualities: Humid and Hot
    • Element: Ar
    • Duality: Male
    • Quadruplicity: Cardinal


    • Primordial Qualities: Humid and Cold
    • Element: Water
    • Duality: Female
    • Quadruplicity: Fixed


    • Primordial Qualities: Dry and Hot
    • Element: Fire
    • Duality: Male
    • Quadruplicity: Mutable


    • Primordial Qualities: Dry and Cold
    • Element: Terra
    • Duality: Female
    • Quadruplicity: Cardinal


    • Primordial Qualities: Humid and Hot
    • Element: Ar
    • Duality: Male
    • Quadruplicity: Fixed


    • Primordial Qualities: Humid and Cold
    • Element: Water
    • Duality: Female
    • Quadruplicity: Mutable

    Compatibilities of Signs and Synastry

    As mentioned above, the compatibility between the signs presented in AstroMundus is based on the astrological characteristics of the different signs of the Zodiac. On the other hand, Synastry consists of comparing the natal charts of two people to assess their compatibility. In addition to the essential characteristics of the astral personality, other elements, only possible to analyze from the map, such as the positioning of the Planets in the Houses, Ascendant and Descending, among many others, contribute to the definition of the astrological personality of each person. That is, if you want a realistic interpretation of your relationships, it is necessary to turn to an astrologer for a personalized study based on maps. Remember that relationships are influenced by multiple variables, the astrological being only one of them. Will, commitment, and free will determine how relationships may or may not progress favorably. Regardless of the influence of the stars, any relationship can work as long as both parties have the will to make it happen.