Capricorn Child - December 22 to January 20

    Discover the dominant traits of the Capricorn child's astral personality and how you can help stimulate their healthy development.

    The Capricorn child is patient, tenacious, and committed - hardworking, will not be distracted from achieving his goals. But watch out for your little Capricorn's perfectionism - he may need help learning to let go when things don't work out. Natives of this sign love to please and can show great responsibility from an early age - they hate breaking the rules and always keep their word. Capricorns are "old souls" who make friends quickly - they often keep friends for life and may even marry their first love. They love family time and traditions and keep all their childhood memories. The Capricorn child may seem very serious and reserved, but he is extremely caring. However, they only show this funnier side of themselves to people they trust.

    Characteristics of the Capricorn Sign

    • Date - from December 22 to January 20 (+/-)
    • Keyword - I DOMINATE
    • Attributes - Authoritarian, ambitious, generous, combative, critical, conservative, compliant, determined, energetic, committed, demanding, intense, negotiator, realistic, traditionalist
    • Boost - Get
    • ruling planet - Saturn
    • Element - Earth
    • Quality - Cardinal
    • House - Tenth
    • Color - Brown
    • Opposite sign - Cancer

    Your Little Capricorn

    The Capricorn child has a cautious, determined, and demanding astral personality. Hardworking and ambitious, his great sense of responsibility makes him a small adult. Sometimes it is necessary to help him not worry about some issues and teach him to live his childhood lightly. You have to learn to grow slowly, and that maturity will come in due time. Show him that you love him for who he is and not for what he does, superior performance, or victories. Your little Capricorn may also have a hard time managing his own emotions. Deeply sensitive, it tends to hide its vulnerability under a protective cloak, isolating itself. Interpreted as emotional detachment or coldness, this behavior is his way of defending and preserving himself. His caring heart and realistic, pragmatic approach to life make your little Capricorn one of the Zodiac's most organized and self-reliant children. Encourage your child to participate in social activities like team sports. This contact is very important to promote self-esteem and social skills and counteract a tendency to get stuck in routines and habits. Kind, gentle, and resourceful, the Capricorn child knows how to behave in all circumstances. Their table manners are impeccable, and they learn everything instantly because their greatest desire is to be an adult. They are excellent observers. They have extraordinary patience and gifts.

    The Capricorn Child Personality

    It's irresistible because-

    • Has a simple personality that is not easily hurt
    • Sensitive, loyal, and without surprises
    • Has a great sense of humor

    It can be difficult because-

    • You can get angry just because you want to
    • You have low self-confidence and think it is always your fault.
    • He worries too much and takes everything seriously, forgetting that he is a child.

    Has some secrets-

    • What he wants most is to be an adult.
    • Think about matters carefully and seriously.
    • Likes rules, routines, and discipline
    • Has a lot of appetites


    • Imitate everything adults do
    • Habits and routines
    • Take care of animals.
    • Listen to music
    • Stand out and be the best in everything you do
    • To feel useful

    Does not like-

    • Break the routine
    • Go to places you don't know.
    • Accept that you have made a mistake.
    • Bad Education

    What the Capricorn Child Desires Most from His Parents

    When your Capricorn child notices you, they expect to find an efficient, disciplined, punctual, and approachable parent. If he misses school or leaves his room untidy, wait for him because of your son's disapproving look. To win over your baby, show him that you follow the routines to the letter and that you are demanding of yourself. Little Capricorn has an ambition - to be an adult, and his parents are his role model. If you don't fit your child's way, you may have some personality conflicts to deal with. Be demanding but loving with your child. Appreciate discipline and rules of conduct. Since he usually feels responsible for everything around him, he watches his emotions and behavior. It is very easy for Capricorn children to feel responsible because their parents have had a bad day or something has gone wrong. Pay special attention to this aspect and talk openly about your feelings. Use tenderness, humor, and optimism to bring a little light to your child's day. Encourage him to play games and not to take things too seriously. He will have plenty of time to worry about adult things when he grows up. Even the smallest things can affect your little Capricorn, so watch out for family energy.

    How to stimulate the talents of your Capricorn child

    To develop their gifts and talents, keep the following in mind when interacting with your Capricorn child:
    • Since you like discipline and rules, establish a well-structured routine for all your daily tasks and stick to it. This routine gives you emotional stability and helps you dedicate yourself to developing your potential.
    • Stimulate their energy and joie de vivre with new tasks and challenges. As he dreams of being an adult, he feels highly motivated and valued when asked for help or being held responsible for small tasks like setting the table or feeding the pet.
    • It fosters your natural ambition and desire to differentiate yourself from the rest with new challenges. Set goals and objectives and help him achieve them. Give her lots of positive reinforcement and tell her how much you appreciate her commitment and dedication to her tasks.
    • Read to him, listen to music, and tell stories. This habit will help stimulate your child's imagination and extraordinary learning abilities.
    • Involve your Capricorn child in activities that require competition and social contact. These will be very important skills for your future. Group activities, such as sports or drama, will be great exercises to stimulate your social side and increase your confidence and enthusiasm.
    • Teach him to savor every little victory instead of ignoring them.

    A Brief Note on Cusps

    If your child was born on the cusp of a Zodiac sign, that is, in the first or last days of the date range of each sign (or when he was born "between two signs"), it may reveal personality traits of the signs. Found on both sides of the cusp. If your child has a small cusp, check both signs, and you may discover some traits of both in your child's character.

    Children's Zodiac

    • Aries Child - March 21 to April 20
    • Taurus Child - April 21 to May 21
    • Gemini Child - May 22 to June 21
    • Cancer Child - June 22 to July 22
    • Leo Child -July 23 to August 23
    • Virgo Child - August 24 to September 23
    • Libra Child - September 24 to October 23
    • Scorpio Child - October 24 to November 22
    • Sagittarius Child - November 23 to December 21
    • Capricorn Child - December 22 to January 20
    • Aquarius Child - January 21 to February 19
    • Pisces Child - February 20 to March 20