The only thing missing in your relationship right now, Capricorn, is the desire in common. The carnal and emotional desire. Having several points of desire in common, being able to share similar concerns ...
Outwardly it seems as if you have different life projects. It seems as if you are united by some kind of question or fleeting love ... You don't know how important it is to have a life project in common until you see it with your own Capricorn eyes and you know it.
Even if you are from land, deep down you are a very independent person who does not dislike the idea of going through life alone ...

But of course, alone for some things and not alone for life. Maximum independence in projects or other issues, but at the same time as a couple, because it is also true that you like to be with a couple, you love that security that it gives you.
It's a bit ambiguous right? Because you want your independence and your love life to be perfectly united and not give any kind of problem, but you know that this cannot be and that sooner or later the problem will come ...
The best thing in these chaos is to agree to have the famous talk to find out what are the life projects of both parties and see if they can be complemented. Yes, talking sometimes means having problems, but Capricorn, the sooner you talk. All the cards are put on the table. The sooner everything will end, the sooner you will begin to enjoy your relationship to the fullest. You know. What's more, maybe in those confession talks you will find common desires that you had no idea existed ... They can be all advantages in reality.