What Does It Mean to Dream About Orgasm?

    So you dreamed you had an orgasm. This dream may show that your sexual desires towards someone have not been recognized. It is often a symbol of new growth, indicating that a happy period is coming into your life.

    Detailed dream interpretation of an orgasm

    To have an orgasm in your dream means that you will complete a job in which you are involved. If you dream of an orgasm, then it doesn't say anything specific, just that you have strong sexual desires for someone right now. If a woman dreams that she has had an orgasm, this dream predicts that she will experience incredible moments in her intimate relationship soon. If a man dreams that he has brought his partner to orgasm, everything will go very well with him soon, provided that he has complete confidence in himself. If in your dream you have an orgasm with a person whose face you do not remember, then most likely you cannot find a partner who can satisfy you, or you are content that men/women reach your bed but not your heart. Having an orgasm in a dream about sex shows your dissatisfaction with your sexual life. This interpretation is especially true if you had sex, not with your husband or wife, but with a stranger and in a very inappropriate environment. To get spiritual ecstasy in a dream portends a meeting with a friend or acquaintance you have not seen for a long time. Maybe this is your childhood friend or classmate. As for Dr. Freud, he interpreted all night visions through the prism of sex. According to him, an orgasm in a dream indicates a desire to have sex now, and it does not matter with which, partner. Freud thought that the orgasms of a man and woman in a dream have different origins. For a woman, the ecstasy of a dream is dictated by the desire to continue her race and get pregnant. A man gets an orgasm mainly to satisfy his lust and passion. To have a dream about orgasm with your partner portends joy and happiness; with a lover - it brings trouble and disappointment. If a man sees a dream about his pregnant partner's orgasm, then this dream represents the "birth" of new plans and ideas.