To see pee or urine in dreams represents the feelings that you have been rejected after being used. If you urinate normally in the dream, it means that you are getting rid of your negative emotions so that you can achieve an overall healthy balance.Depending on the context, appearance, and actions with urine in the dream, they can be read differently. Below we will decipher the most common pee-related dreams.
What does it mean to dream about pee - urine?
Dream about someone or an animal peeing on youTo dream that someone or an animal such as a dog is urinating on you indicates that you are feeling the emotional burden of others. They dump their unwanted wasted feelings on you.Dream about having to pee, but you can't peeTo dream that you cannot pee when you want to pee indicates that you are having trouble spending the necessary money. You can be too cheap with your expenses. Consider having a balanced budget.Dream about stopping peeingDreaming about stopping to pee indicates that you are suppressing your negative emotions.Dream about smelling urineTo smell urine in the dream is a sign that you are taking or taking on the pissed-off attitude of others. You know other people's attitudes and actions stink, but there may be little you can do about it.Dream about seeing someone else peeTo see someone else pee in the dream indicates that they are pissed off about something. They cannot express themselves positively or constructively so that everyone sees that they are unhappy. You are also releasing anger at yourself.Dream about peeing in publicPeeing in public in the dream symbolizes a lack of privacy with your personal affairs. You feel like people are constantly watching your every move, including those you want to keep to yourself.Dream about peeing in the office or schoolPeeing in a semi-public area where you are often indicating that you are trying to establish your boundary and mark your territory. You take certain areas of your life personally, and you don't want others meddling in your affairs.Dream about toddler pee potty trainingTo dream of a preschooler doing potty training signifies that you will contain new beginnings. You will have to forget your old ways of doing things and develop new ideas and habits. New doors and opportunities will soon open for you.Dream about having peed for a pregnancy testHaving a dream that focuses on peeing for a pregnancy test indicates that you are looking for signs of doing or not doing certain things. You examine your environment by letting out a little of your emotions and seeing how others react to your ideas.Dream about drinking your peeDrinking your pee in the dream symbolizes your fear of letting others know about your negative emotions. You go to extremes to punish yourself if you show a little bit of negativity. You have no sense of self.Dream about urine on the faceTo have urine on your face in a dream is a sign that someone will dump their negative emotions on you to the point that it is impossible to ignore. The dream predicts that someone will go to great lengths to make you feel uncomfortable.Dream about cleaning urineTo clean urine in the dream indicates that you can do work that you expect to be paid. But in reality, you are compensated very little for that.Dream about carrying urineCarrying a bag or bottle of urine for no reason suggests wasting time and energy on negative ideas that need to be removed. Your beliefs hold you back from achieving psychological freedom.Dream about spilling urineSpilling urine in the dream symbolizes the lack or loss of basic control over your life. You may have dealt with an undesirable situation, and you may have made a mistake that could make things worse.Dream about touching urineTouch urine in the dream indicates that you will face certain bad attitudes soon. It can be an attitude of others or your own. Learning to deal with your negative emotions is, therefore, key.
Meaning of Dreams About Different Types of Urine
Dream about animal urineAnimal urine in the dream suggests that strangers are overwhelmed with negative emotions. In particular, the strangers may belong to a group of people you look down on. Try not to make it personal, or you may be dragged into unwanted circumstances.Dream about baby pee n.To dream of baby peeing in the dream is a sign that a baby in your family is on the way.Dream about horse piss.To dream of a horse, pee indicates that you are spending quite a lot of money on your travels.Dream about rabbit peeTo dream of rabbit peeing indicates that you may act arrogantly after accomplishing certain acts of good fortune. If you win a lottery or a bet, be careful and stay in the background.Dream about cow urineCow urine in the dream is a sign that you need to take a closer look at your subordinates or employees who are listening and following everything you say. They may have certain negative attitudes that are ready to be released.Dream about cat urineTo see cat urine in the dream symbolizes that it is time to let go of your negativity in life. Find ways to release it and remove traces of it.Dream about mouse or rat urineTo dream of rat or mouse urine suggests that your fearful attitude is causing you to lose a small amount of money or financial gain.
What does it mean to dream about peeing in different locations
Dream about urine on clothesTo have urine on your clothes indicates that your pissed-off attitude is now publicly displayed. People can smell that you are not happy with certain things in your life. Consider ways to change things instead of grumbling and blaming others for your negative circumstances.Dream about peeing on the floorDreaming to peeing on the floor indicates that you are left with a bad situation waiting for you to clean up. When you pee on the floor yourself, you set up certain failures or bad situations that need to be addressed later.Dream about peeing in bedTo dream that you are wetting your bed is a sign that your lazy attitude or unconsciousness will bring you trouble in the future. Pay attention to your unconscious actions and see if they can cause you problems that you need to clear up later.Dream about peeing in your pantsTo dream that you have accidentally peed your pants means you are about to have an emotional outburst. You are desperate to let go of all the feelings you have locked inside.Dream about urine in a bucket or jarIf you see urine in a full bucket or jar, it suggests that you have seen some negativity in your environment. However, you don't find ways to deal with the problems. You hold back as long as possible.Dream about a urine bagSeeing or using urine bags in the dream symbolizes that you need an outlet to express your concerns and negative comments freely. Consider sharing your ideas anonymously to see if the issues can be resolved.Dream about splashing urineTo dream of urine splashing out of the toilet indicates that your bad posture will have surprising consequences. Be prepared as soon as you let go of your thoughts and negative ideas.Dream about urinalsTo see urinals in the dream signifies your relationships with people you are close to. Consider keeping a safe distance to preserve your personal space.
Dream about other pee-related symbols
Dream about urinating for a long time or a lot of urineTo dream of a long, never-ending puddle indicates that you will be counting on a steady stream of income. Consider building your wealth to generate a passive income stream that is long and never ends.Dream about urinating and defecating or urine and stoolSeeing pee and poop mixed in the dream indicates a financial mess. Be aware of people trying to sell you investment ideas or strategies because getting your hard-earned money back can be a lot of shit.Dream about peeing blood or bloody urineTo pee blood or see bloody urine in the dream indicates a disturbance in your relationship. Something has gone wrong in your interpersonal relationship that may have been gone for a while. You will soon see signs of broken friendships and relationships.Dream about a urine test or urine sampleTo take a urine test in the dream suggests that you are being examined or judged based on your lifestyle, habits, and attitude. It's a time to be more self-aware and understand your strengths and weaknesses. You may exhibit certain traits or illnesses that you are not yet aware of.Dream about urine and waterTo dream of urine mixed with water indicates that you are ready to express your negative emotions or opinions to others. However, you will tone down what you want to say to take your negative comments much more acceptably.Dream about urine infectionTo dream of a urinary tract infection is a sign that you are losing some balance in your life. You may have trouble letting go and coping with your stress. You may find that you cannot let go of your stressful thoughts due to certain changes shortly.
Dream about urine related appearances and colors
Dream about old urine or urine stainTo dream of having old urine or urine stains indicates that your negative emotions will leave eternal marks if you don't handle them properly. You are constantly reminded of your bad behavior and outbursts.Dream about red pee or red urineRed pee or red urine in the dream indicates that your impulsive behavior will cause problems in your relationship.Dream about brown peeBrown pee in the dream symbolizes that you may be harmed shortly. You can lose money that you can't afford to lose.Dream about green pee or green urineGreen pee in the dream suggests that you may be spending too much time on your health and well-being. Perhaps certain vitamins or supplements you've been taking can harm your well-being.Dream about blue urineBlue urine in the dream indicates that your faith may be challenged soon.Dream about orange urineOrange urine in the dream portends that your extroversion may cause you to be too generous.Dream about pink urinePink urine in the dream suggests that your kindness may soon be abused.Dream about purple urinePurple urine in the dream indicates that you miss out on important opportunities that may take you to the next social or career ladder.Dream about white or clear urineTo have white or clear urine in the dream indicates that you have little to no desire for your goals. You are willing to let things pass easily.Dream about black urineBlack urine in the dream signifies that your thoughts or ideas may be contaminated. What you want can be harmful, and you work things out through your body and mind.Dream about dark yellow peeDark yellow pee in the dream indicates that you may be too tense about certain events in your life. You don't take the time to relax and take things easy.