Throughout history, the dog has symbolized different things. In medieval Europe, it was associated with people's submissive and weak character, while in the Asian continent, it was associated with friendship, nobility, and fidelity.
Dreaming that a dog bites you can be interpreted in several ways. It is usually associated with unresolved problems that have us tied up and from which we cannot free ourselves.
Below we list the most common dreams in which a dog bites us and their meaning.
Dreaming that a dog bites our leg:

Bad omen in everything related to money. It announces heavy losses at the economic level. The place where we work for reasons beyond our control may fire us.
Many legal conflicts can arise, and you must be sufficiently prepared to face potential future lawsuits. Also, this dream represents humiliation, failure, broken desire, and deception.
If you have to speak in public, or in front of many people at your work or elsewhere, it is recommended to cancel it if possible since you can receive a lot of criticism.
It is not a good time to look for a better job, and the job offers we go to will not help. As for love, if it is in a couple, it indicates that we are being controlled and very submissive in front of that person.
It indicates many doubts when making a decision. We must be careful of friendships since it indicates disloyalty on the part of people close to us.
Dreaming that a dog bites our arm:
Strong attachment to everything material. It tells us that we are only worrying about insignificant matters. This dream also represents low self-esteem and little social activity. He announces that very problematic situations are coming, and a person will appear who would cause us a lot of damage.
If, during sleep, the dog bites us and does not want to let go of the arm, it means that the problems will take a long time to resolve. At the same time, this dream represents emotional closure.
It warns us that someone will betray us, the dog associates it with the man's friend, and if he bites us, it indicates that someone will soon deceive us.
Dreaming that a dog bites our face:

If it is a dream that a dog attacks us and begins to bite our face, there will be a substantial break in all social and family ties. There will be a painful separation from your partner, and we will be living alone for a long time.
There will be a prolonged distancing between the parents and closest beings.
It also warns us to avoid bad moods and negative thoughts since this is the leading cause that makes people not want to be around us.
This dream warns us to suffer excessive criticism from third parties who only seek our ruin. It can also mean a possible fight with your neighbors. The feeling of not feeling loved will be present.