It is scarce that you get a couple of hours of absolute Gemini rest, and you know it. Without people around, phones nearby, social networks, and anything to entertain you.
It is challenging to see you without any of those things. Rest means sitting in bed or on the sofa with your phone in hand (or close by) and doing nothing for a few minutes.
Turn it all off when you feel like you deserve a RELAXFUL rest.

No electronic stuff around you. There is nothing to call someone to chat with and relieve you of the whole week's routine.
When you need a period to relax, do not resort to all that Geminis, because in your case, what is best for you is LONELINESS.
Yes, it is something unusual for you, but loneliness can come in very handy when you have a lot of mental stress.
You can connect with your mind calmly and peacefully. You can talk to yourself alone (even if it seems like you are a little crazy) and clarify doubts, memories, pending tasks, and hunches.
You are air, and you are very pleasant. You love to be in action and surround yourself with people. You do not stop, and even if you are OFF, you always want to have something on your hands, which also has consequences. If you overdo it, you don't enjoy yourself, you get tired faster, you get in a bad mood, and it seems that the day doesn't have enough hours.
A nice relaxing bath alone is a good option for a wild ass like yours.