How is Leo going to change the world? Straightforward, being LEO. In the Zodiac, the one who rules is always Leo. Wherever he goes, he is the one who is always right, the one who always decides for others, the one who imposes his own rules.
Leo was born to change the world and crown himself, king. Yes, Leo is a born leader who always wants to change what he does not like and impose his own rules.
If there is something he does not like, Leo does not complain and does not cry because something is not to his liking. A Leo fights against what seems unfair, immoral, or directly what he thinks does not go with him.
And best of all, he has the power to make other people join his cause and, together, change the world. Leo knows that he will not be able to do anything alone, but he makes sure that the rest of the people around him are by his side, and together they fight to make the world a better place.

Leo wants to impose his ideas, but he will always give the necessary reasons so that people believe him and want to join him.
Leo does not want to be only the best. Leo wants people to feel identified with what he says and wants to reach the hearts of others. We are talking about a fighter, nonconformist, assertive, self-confident person. Nothing could go wrong.
Leo wants a change. Leo wants the world to be a safe, fair place where no one feels bad for being different from others, where people fight to fulfill their dreams.
Leo is a very fighter person, but that fighting spirit intensifies, even more when he fights for something he truly feels.
When you fight for something that touches your heart, that moves you, making your feelings stir inside. Leo wants changes, but positive, changes that contribute and do not separate.