Through your smile
Libra's smile takes the award for the most captivating in the entire Zodiac. She is to blame for turning a shitty day into a day to keep fighting for. She is the one who makes small problems stop being problems; she is the one to blame for making you feel much better without knowing why.
Nobody has any idea of ჴ€‹ჴ€‹the effect that a Libra smile has; nobody knows how much it heals the soul, how well it does and how necessary it is for EVERYTHING.
When Libra smiles from the heart, he transmits it like nobody else and captivates. When it does, it infects and falls in love.
With your personality
Libra is not a predictable person. His character is something like a mini roller coaster with many disasters and with many good things.

Libra is free to be whoever he wants to be at all times (although sometimes he has many internal battles to doubt at some point), which is why he does not follow the rules, does not follow the rules, and is seduced by linear monotony.
Libra is very calm, but on the same day, it can go from here to being an insatiable whirlwind wanting adventure and a very good time. His personality may sometimes exhaust you, but he ends up making you hopelessly in love. Libra's crazy personality can be the perfect good to make your bad go to waste forever.
For his intelligence
From far away, it is seen that Libra is a very intelligent person. Some people still believe that Libra can be taken to their ground by saying four nice things, but very few people know that Libra has a special power and that they perceive and see things that no one else can do.
Libra does not need a lot of data to know what someone is like; Libra, with his intellect, already anticipates many things and finds out many things.
But why do you fall in love with your intellect? Because Libra knows everything, but on his part, he says very little of his INNER SELF, he does not count anything and ends up hooking, creating a lot of mystery, and the mystery that Libra creates is so addictive ...
Showing you their loyalty
Although Libra has many eyes to look at, if you are only interested in those of a specific person, it does not matter because you will only have time and desire for those eyes.
Although Libra has a lot of opportunities with more people, if there is only one person's name in their mind, they can already do all the circus they want because they will not be able to get their attention. Libra is loyal when he falls in love with someone, and with that gesture, he falls in love without remedy.
Leaving you wanting more

Libra's way of flirting is subtle, racy, seductive, and very unpredictable, just like Libra. He knows how to maintain interest, he knows how to create an atmosphere of very seductive mystery, and he knows very well what to do or not do to leave the honey on your lips and make you want more ...
Libra can be quite shy at first, but that is only a barrier very small that disappears after a short time. Let yourself be seduced by the Libra flirting juice, and only then will you want more and more ...
Through her sensuality
Libra's sensuality is very intense; incredibly, Libra is like that; at first, it does not seem that he is someone very fiery, sentimentally speaking. Well, yes, it is; what happens is that Libra respects their privacy a lot and does not air their thoughts with anyone.
Some people think that Libra lacks impulsiveness on this issue, but surely that small group of critics does not have a VIP pass to the wonderful world of Libra because, in it, nothing is what it seems ...
With its disastrous naturalness
Libra is smiling, with many fears behind him that prevent him from thinking clearly. In his eyes, you can see a lot of transparency; sometimes, they assume because everything seen in them is so clear ...
He thinks a lot about the decisions he can make, and then, in the blink of an eye, he changes everything and does something very different, and He does not do it on purpose; his intuition only guides him, this Libra trait can end up giving you some stress, but if you allow yourself to be seduced by it you end up hooking, like chocolate ...
He is a good soul to everyone, who knows how to be a devil when he sees something that is not fair.
Libra is all peace and glory until he sees something that he knows is wrong, there he acts, there he does not doubt, there he does not get carried away; in the end, this makes you feel very safe by his side, even if it is a small disaster ... But be careful, don't make the noblest part of Libra angry, because their disastrous and infatuated naturalness can send you to the street and slam the door in your face if you deserve it ...
Making you a better person
This is a gift that comes standard with Libra. It is something you are born with; you do not seek it or work on it to make it stronger and stronger. Libra knows how to do good and converts people who spend time with him.
Libra asks for less than it needs; it goes straight ahead, without malice, with many failures but with great pride in them, without being ashamed of being someone who learns from mistakes and always growing as a person, surpassing itself day after day ...
When the Libra effect leaves its mark on you and you, you feel a much better person; it is when you fall in love with that pure soul. From Libra.