aquarius monthly horoscope


    In relation to love, possible confrontations or impasses will be inevitable. Mars will be in evidence, that is, impulses will be recurrent and you will not act differently. If you really aren't willing to keep up with your pace, you'll spare no effort to continue following your journey. In love, you may still have everyday issues to settle with your partner. With humility, you can win the heart of the loved one. With it you can see things happening. Now, without it, you will tend to force something other than the time. You will show interest in marriage or a union to the one you deem to be "marriage". In a way, what really matters to you is commitment. If you are already in a relationship, there are likely to be some economic disagreements. You won't get much support from your peer. Of course, you're going to put in a little more effort.


    His intellectual performance is evident and this opens doors for him to grow in his career. You are able to encourage friends and colleagues, highlighting their strengths, which also demonstrates emotional intelligence. Jupiter will light up the career house. Projects that were stopped will resume speed, it's time to leverage. After July 19th, relationships will be blessed through good communication. Mercury will bring loyalty and will not bring a need to talk about someone behind. Your social popularity will be on the rise. In the area of ჴ€‹ჴ€‹finance and business, you will be successful. Mars in Taurus brings a strong energy of love and passion, everything you dedicate to these feelings, the results will be incredible.


    Sun and Mercury sextile Uranus, which also rules Aquarius. This cycle confirms your ability to communicate and interact socially in an authentic and sympathetic way. Sol and Neptune show a favorable cycle for dieting and decreasing carbohydrate intake. You may feel the consequences of over-demanding. It's time to rest. See this as an opportunity to know how to clarify limits for yourself and others and thus recharge your vital energy. Due to being very restless, practicing some physical activity can be your escape valve. It can come across as an unstable person, which is also true. But in this case, being more active than usual can sound like someone fickle to possible deals. You'll be in good shape, maybe you won't notice the difference from a few days ago. Thanks to the influence of Mars, it is more active in many ways. Her thoughts will be inviting her to delve into the deepest unconscious and from there she will be able to extract some not-so-good thoughts. Certain dissatisfactions will give voice to feelings repressed for some reason. In the period of July 1st and 2nd, the eclipse can drastically affect world points and it will be no different in your personal life. She have patience. It will be necessary to be careful with the use of alcoholic beverages or drugs, due to a certain vulnerability. If she doesn't pay attention, she can do things she doesn't want to, due to the impulse caused by narcotics and alcohol. Try to emphasize your artistic side and use your creativity.