What Makes Pisces Happy

    What makes him happy is realizing all the people around him and those who support him and make him who he is. 

    Pisces adores his family and friends, and spending time with them makes him happy. As simple and as simple as that.

    You don't need anything but time with your loved ones. For Pisces, happiness is sharing everything you have with those you love. 

    It fills him inside to see how happy others are and that they can enjoy life no matter how much they have suffered.

    Pisces loves being close to his people and being around someone who truly admires him for who he is. If there is something that makes Pisces happy, it is hugs and shows of love.

    Easy and simple. You don't need flashy gifts or anything like that. You need a hug from that person you love and feel loved.

    Pisces does not believe in stories where a prince falls in love with a princess, and they are happy. Pisces believes in love from day to day. 

    In demonstrating every day and in fighting together against all adversities. And there is little else that makes you as happy as love.

    He does not care where that love comes from, his family, friends, or family. As long as you have these people around you will be happy to the fullest. 

    He does not ask that these people be perfect and his relationship with them be perfect. If not, it simply asks for respect and trust on their part. That these people show themselves as they are. And you see, making Pisces happy is not difficult; you must know how to understand them.