We all, absolutely all of us, have our good things and our not-so-good things. We are not perfect, and surely we never will be, although many do not like that ... All signs have our positive and negative traits, and these are yours, Pisces.
To begin, we will talk about your positive traits, Pisces, those that make you a special person and different from the other zodiac signs.
You are a very dreamy and imaginative person, Pisces; you love to make a living out of reality.
You love to imagine what life you would like to have. But it is also true that imagination is one of your strengths because thanks to it, you are someone very creative. Having and imagining so many new ideas in your head, there are times when you need to express them and bring them out. Also, Pisces,
you are someone very compassionate and very sensitive.

You are one of the most loving and romantic signs of the Zodiac, and all of this is due to your sensitivity. Being so sensitive and empathetic, you connect very well with others. In addition, you are very kind and one of those who is always willing to help anyone and do whatever it takes to make others happy.
Your best positive trait is that intuition is always your best friend. It is that you do not fail, Pisces; whenever you intuit, YOU ARE RIGHT.
It seems that you have a sixth sense; you were born with that witchcraft gift with which sometimes you can even feel what is going to happen. And thanks to that intuition, you have been saved from many Pisces and helped your friends a lot.
But you are not perfect, Pisces, and the world is not rosy. You also have your flaws and your negative traits. One of them, Pisces, is that
you are lazy. It's hard for you to start doing things, lift your ass off the couch, and fulfill all your responsibilities.
You are only so with things you don't care too much about or know can wait. Because when you have obligations or important things to do, you are the first to fulfill your duties.
It is also true that you are too sensitive, making you too pessimistic.
You always feel too much; the worst is that you almost always put yourself in the worst. You can't help it, basically because it's your emotions that control your life; it's your feelings that rule your life.
You would like to be a positive person; what's more, you are normally positive, but with others, with yourself, you are much more pessimistic. And finally, another of your negative traits is that
you are too idealistic and set your expectations too high.
That is very bad, Pisces because it makes you imagine things that are very difficult to come true. But you must try to put your feet back on the Earth and go back to living in reality. Because yes, sometimes it is okay to dream and imagine the future, but you also have to accept that we live in reality.