2018 was possibly the year when you least took care of yourself, little fish and when you took care of others. Possibly it was the year in which you abandoned your own Pisces pride, the year in which you left yourself in second place instead of the first, but last stepped on, and this serves as a good reference to see what you want here and now.
You want everything to change, everything to flow, and no other people's stupidity influences you; you want to feel free and do whatever you want without having regrets.

You want to choose well, be the one who decides, do new things, and find a soul mate who will give you what you need.
You want everything, Pisces, and you will have it, as long as you go with your pride in front and your intuition as your "fucking fairy godmother." Real." Pisces, 2019 can be a year of radical, wild, and rebellious but productive changes for you, as long as you put yourself first.
Increase your self-esteem by doing more things for yourself and not for other Pisces.
Forgive your old SELF, do not take into account your past mistakes, erase and put the hard drive in your head back into operation, free of everything, clean Pisces, so 2019 will be a new beginning in every way.
Remember Pisces, that a huge problem stops being so big when you accept the setback with courage and are ready to fight.
That there is no evil that for good does not come and that it lasts more than a hundred years, and that the past blows are our strength in the future and our present, and you are a Pisces example.
You want justice and to live your life; this is your chance.
Go ahead, little fish, keep swimming.