You think nobody understands you because you have a heart of gold, Pisces.
In it, you keep many feelings, much more than anyone else, and sometimes you think that others will only attack you and hurt you. Why is this happening to you? Because they have.
They have played with you. They have wanted to take advantage of your good vibes and have hurt your confidence countless times.

You have no malice and give second chances because you believe in people's good side and like to be that way.
You don't want friendships reduced to measly text messages. by your side. By your side, you want flesh and blood emotional support.
You want people who care about you and show up when you need it most. It is the same because you would do the same without thinking twice, Pisces. But you have to accept that not everyone is the same and that people can change more than time.
What you should not accept now or ever, Pisces, is the ability to become a second option.
Being someone's plan B should not be among our priorities and less fish within yours. Yes, we know that your character is not very easy either.
You are a roller coaster that appears very calm on the outside but then is a real-time bomb on the inside.
You are not easy to understand, not easy to carry, and much less, you are easy to overcome. Who does not want to accept all this, door?
Who does not know how to channel your light out?
Point and end, Pisces, because what you should not do now or ever is to think that no one loves you for who you are.
If you have ever been embarrassed by your personality, let it be the last one because you are worth much more than anyone else.
That past experiences do not cloud the coherence of the present Pisces because you deserve to smile much more. Now and always.