Lilith in Astrology - Goddess of the Night and Astral Map

    Learn about the mythological origin of Lilith, its link with the phases of the Moon, and what Lilith represents in Astrology and in reading the star map.

    In ancient civilizations, mythology fed the imagination and answered nature's deep hidden mysteries. Just as, in the East, yin is for yang, in the West, the Moon is for the Sun. In ancient myths, Lilith was a divinity associated with "darkness." In Astrology, Lilith represents the most distant point between the Earth and the Moon, symbolizing our personality's most hidden and dark feelings. In the ancient religion of Mesopotamia and Babylon, Lilith was the "Formosan Maiden," owner of a legendary beauty that gave birth to the Moon. His name was associated with an owl - a symbol of wisdom -the night and the Moon, a translation of "chirping," or the owl's cry. Later, Lilith happens to be represented as a demon in Islamic and Hebraic legends, where she appears as Adam's first woman, created simultaneously and in the same way as Adam. Hebraic legends transformed the sensual charms of the beautiful Lilith, who came to be described as a female demon whose powerful eroticism drove men to madness. Lilith is thus transformed into an evil sorceress with powers attributed to darkness. The group of female divinities that belong to the " darkness " are numerous and represented by different names in diverse cultures, such as Kali (the Mother Nature of Hinduism), Skadi (from the mythology of Northern Europe), Hecate, and Circe (both from the Greek mythology), Tlazolteotl (goddess of lust and illicit loves from Huasteca mythology), Hathor (goddess of the heavens and symbolic mother of the pharaohs in Egyptian religion), Lilith, the famous Medusa from Greek mythology and Nemesis, the Greek goddess of vengeance.

    The Myth of the Goddess of the Night

    All cultures and civilizations created their myths and divinities. Each one represents the forces that permeate the Universe and keep all things in a dynamic and precise balance. These are complementary forces that represent opposites and that, together, guarantee that harmony. This is the case of the yin/yang axis in Chinese Astrology or of the Moon and Sun in Western Astrology. The natural world is made up of opposites: light and dark, day and night, heat and cold, feminine and masculine, wet and dry. Each element opposes the other, simultaneously yielding one in front of the other. The Sun emits light and heat; the Moon absorbs and reflects its luminosity. Dominating the night, the cold rays of the Moon were believed to have magical properties, projecting their mysterious light onto Terra.

    Birth, Renaissance, and Fertility

    The Moon also represented insecurity. While the shape of the Sun is constant, the shape of the Moon is fickle. It acquires various forms throughout the month, always changing its configuration, growing and decreasing, going from a thin, silvery leaf to a yellow disk, returning, once again, to darkness. It represented the cycle of birth and rebirth of all-natural life. But, the power of the Moon was also visible in the woman's menstrual cycle, in the duration of the pregnancy, in anticipation of the date of birth of the babies, being strongly associated with the feminine energetic power, with the capacity to generate life. To the fertility that dominates the natural world and that renews life.

    A Multifaceted Personality

    The Moon is metamorphosis, change, movement, and life cycle. Their costumes are multiple and reflect three main phases of their cycle: Like New Moon, the star is represented as a maiden or virgin. A young, pure, innocent divinity with flourishing sexuality and power of seduction is still intelligent. As the Moon reaches its fullness, it becomes the Full Moon, the receptacle of life, the fertile woman who has the virtue of generating a new life within her fertilized womb. In her last phase, as she wanes and returns to darkness, she is portrayed as a witch or an ugly and deformed older woman, the master sorceress in magical arts and disguises. The latter has healing powers, such as transforming what passes through her hands.

    Lilith in Astrology

    For Astrology, Lilith (the Black Moon or the Goddess of the Night) represents the apogee of the Moon, that is, the most distant point between the Earth and the Moon. Lilith is not considered a celestial body but an imaginary point in the sky that marks the most distant place between our planet and the Moon. In Western Astrology, the Moon is represented as one of the planets that are part of your heavenly system, and, in energetic terms, it represents our feminine nature. The Moon is the planet of feelings and emotions. In Astrology, Lilith represents how we deal with our most hidden emotions, which we are often unaware of and have difficulty identifying. In Astrology, the Moon is related to the Water Element and the Phlegmatic temperament (sensitive and reserved, with a strong emotional motivation). The sign of Cancer rules. Thus, in Astrology, Lilith shows, on the star map of each one of us, where our most intimate desires are hidden and the means we have to express them. It is about our deepest instincts, the truth that we do not confess, and the motivations we sometimes have difficulty recognizing and naming. On the astrological map, Lilith represents the primitive impulses and the most instinctive behavior of the person. It reveals our repressed sexuality, everything that makes us feel more vulnerable. It expresses the dark side of our personality that remains buried in our subconscious. Lilith's mission to spread her truth and message can be interpreted as the need to know our true nature and accept it deeply. Only in this way can we change what we do not like in our way of being and abandon the beliefs that limit the expression of our full potential. Only then can there be room for personal growth and spiritual transformation. The three phases of the Moon represent natural cycles, fusing the conscioussubconscious, and unconscious processes of the human mind - our spiritualmaterial, and emotional faces. The Moon becomes the archetype of creation, femininity, and the feminine psyche. In Astrology, the position of Lilith is used to understand the darkest facet of the personality, the power of creation and rebirth, and the aspects that illuminate the various areas of life.