What Sagittarius Wants in a Relationship but Does Not Ask for It

    That you hold his hand, that you pull them, that you are not afraid to explore the world, that you go crazy and do what you feel, that you live, that you enjoy, that you walk forward.

    Sagittarius is an adventurous person and very, very playful; he hates that nobody ties him up or holds him back. She couldn't bear to have them come into her life to tell her how to handle it or what to do. It is true that they are people who find it very difficult to fall in love, but once they do, it is to die.

    And they'll be loyal and faithful, and they'll be incredibly honest from minute one, so if you're lucky, take care of it.

    But it must be said, even in the most profitable relationships, Sagittarius needs a person who can keep up with them and explore alongside them without having to dissuade or stop them. That has happened to him many times; the fact that others want to stop him in some way just for being the way he is, just for wanting to be free overwhelms him and kills him slowly. No, Sagittarius does not want that, and also, even if you want to follow his rhythm, he will know perfectly if you do it to flatter him or if you really are an adventurer at heart. And that's really what you want.

    Sometimes, Sagi is locked into the idea that she will not meet anyone with the same desire to see the world as she does; she will not meet anyone with such an intense desire to live, with that desire for constant adventure ...

    And for that reason, they tend to justify and make the excuse that they are much better off alone, and sometimes, even in the most extreme cases, they will cut ties instead of committing themselves. Therefore, before all this happens, it is best that the relationship is honest and satisfactory. And that there are no lies or false identities from minute one. Sagittarius will show as is. It would be best if you did the same.