When Sagittarius crosses the wire and is angry, he can use very hurtful words. Sagittarius is usually a person who goes through dramas and conflicts, is lazy, and prefers to take advantage of that time to do more productive things. But the truth is that sometimes he gets to that state by getting where they don't call him, and that's when the worst happens. When Sagittarius gets angry, he will do damage with his words to such a level that he can destroy anyone.
If you annoy Sagittarius, the first thing he will do before taking action is to delete you and block you from all social networks immediately. And I warn you that regaining that 'friendship' with Sagittarius will not be as easy as you think ... Because Sagittarius can forgive but will never forget.

But after deleting you from social networks, they will take action and will directly cease to be your friend in real life. Above all, to those people who did not do their part to fix the problems, those who belittled him or did nothing when the problem was already latent. Dealing with an angry Sagittarius can be very difficult, but not impossible.
It is a fire sign, and it is very dangerous to be by his side when he feels like burning, but if you know how to handle this type of situation, it will not be dangerous to be by his side. Sagittarius, in those moments, needs peace, needs someone to help them control themselves. Basically, he needs someone who is able to put out that dangerous fire that he has inside.