Mooring Spell - Strengthen the Bonds of Love in Your Life

    The spell of a tie for love described here is intended to strengthen the bonds of friendship or love that bind two people.

    The Binding Spell described here is intended to reinforce the bonds of friendship or love that unite two people. Its function is to spiritually bond two people and involves them in a loving environment of respect, mutual help, and companionship. Remember that whenever you cast a spell, you are seducing or attracting things into your life and that of others. Therefore, do your spells responsibly. If you are looking for true and sensitive love, the mooring spell can help you conquer it, but the success of your relationship depends, above all, on you and the person you have by your side or that you want to conquer.

    Spell of Mooring for Love

    The ritual or spell of mooring or spell of love allows you to reinforce the bonds of love and passion that you nurture for someone. It is also a way to protect the relationship, wrapping it in an aura of positive feelings that allows it to flourish. Before preparing to perform the lashing spell, you have to gather all the ingredients to carry out your magic potion. Below you will find the list of what you need and how to perform the ritual.

    What you need for the Mooring Spell

    • Two red candles
    • Five drops of rose essential oil
    • One piece of red string
    • One pinch of dried lavender
    • One pinch of ground cinnamon
    • One pinch of coriander seeds
    • One candlestick to place both candles

    How To Make Your Magic Ritual

    • Start by writing your name and the other person's name on each of the candles. Write vertically, from bottom to top.
    • Cover the candles with rose essential oil.
    • Gather the candles and tie them with the red string, making three knots. The two elements of the pair must each tie a knot and tie the third together. In the spell of a tie, this is the element that will unite the feelings of the couple in the same commitment of love. As you tie the knots to unite the candles into a single element, say out loud how committed you are to the life project that you share and to the feeling of love that unites you.
    • Place the candles in a candle holder, and form a circle around the candles, sprinkling with the lavender seeds, cinnamon, and coriander.
    • Light one candle and your partner the other. In the next three nights, you will have to relight the candles, each one in its way.
    It is done! Your lashing spell is done. We hope that it brings you a lot of affection and happiness and that the relationship can flourish in an atmosphere of love.

    Spells and Magic Rituals

    The rituals and amulets are ancient practices rooted in the popular customs and traditions of various civilizations, especially the Brazilian people. Amulets are simple rituals and small offerings that are made to the cosmos to open paths and release energy to move them, helping to fulfill our wishes. For this, spiritual entities are invoked that will influence the life not only of the person who performs the spell but also of the other to whom it is intentionally addressed. Therefore, these practices must always be carried out with responsibility and with the notion that the result may be reversed and end up affecting the person who performs or executes the ritual. The practice of spirituality can take many forms and practices. Surrounded by magic and beliefsamuletscharms, and spells connect us with the most basic emotions and the natural world. Rituals and amulets are simple ceremonies that, for those who believe and have faith in their healing power, can help materialize wishes and wishes. Magic spells and rituals are also used for spiritual cleansing and purification, to nurture relationships, attract prosperity, generate good luck, and improve and protect one's health or that of loved ones.