The High Priestess Tarot Card Meanings


    Female influence Perception Mystery Understanding Wisdom

    The Priestess is a very spiritual card, often related to sexual overtones. It can mean that you are in a phase where you will have more physical attractiveness to others. It is a card assigned to the moon, femininity, and inspiration.

    The High Priestess - meaning of the tarot card

    The High Priestess - tarot card meaning It is time to trust your intuition and inner knowledge, not the conscious mind or intellect. Pay attention to your dreams. Synchronisms are now probable. When a Priestess appears in a man's reading, it often represents a woman that he will want to be with but cannot get.


    It can be a magical and mystical moment for love. You may be interested in someone distant and unapproachable if you don't know someone. Trust your instincts. You can also arouse great interest in the opposite sex. Use this power wisely - it's powerful!


    Someone may not be honest with you, or you may not have all the information you need. Don't be afraid to dig into that and do some research. Make sure that when it comes to financial transactions, you only provide the information that is needed and nothing else.


    Undiscovered or suppressed creative abilities for which you have required expression. Finding a spirit guide will help you make the most of the potential of your psychic or artistic abilities. To get what you want, you must overcome your fear of participation.


    You are on the road to success only if you continue with your discipline and motivation. If you reject attempts to be reborn on your own, your future will be clear. Follow your intuition and aim for lasting satisfaction with your success.

    Tarot Reading YES or NO - The High Priestess

    Tarot Reading YES or NO The Priestess is a spiritually intuitive woman, full of secrets, wisdom, and understanding. This card represents your journey to self-discovery. Point out things that have yet to be discovered in your life, and therefore the answer to your questions is unclear.