Three of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

    Excellence Domain Satisfaction Success Teamwork

    The Three of Pentacles is a very positive card. Especially when it comes to questions about work and careers, it's a good sign overall. Keep this in mind if you think about changing jobs.

    Three of Pentacles - meaning of the tarot card

    The Three of Pentacles says that the people around you appreciate you and your efforts, and see the quality of what you do, even if they don't pay you for it. The Three of Pentacles tells you to keep doing what you do because you are on the right track (although there is always room for improvement). You don't have to finish anything and start over.


    When it comes to love, the Three of Pentacles bodes well. Especially if you already know someone that interests you, this letter says that that person sees you in a positive way, as someone who has the qualities that the person is looking for, even if this love has not yet developed. So, you must be patient. If you are not in a relationship with someone and you are looking for love, this card indicates that you may meet someone at work or outside of it. Keep your eyes open!


    The Three of Pentacles is a very good sign regarding money. It may mean good times are coming for you, but it's also a clear warning that you still have to do what's best for you. This is not a cash entry letter. This is a sign of fair remuneration for the work you have done and its quality. Stay positive, keep working, and the rewards will follow.

    Here I'm

    The topic of your current interest is due to expansion and preparation. Your colleagues can be useful tools to help you achieve your goals.


    Your inner satisfaction requires striving for perfection and mastering your work.

    Tarot Reading YES or NO - Three of Pentacles

    The Three of Pentacles is a card that represents excellence and success. You can get these things thanks to productive teamwork or diligence. This applies directly to mastering your field and having great career achievements. The answer to your question is yes.