Seven of Wands Tarot Card

    Overcoming and enduring Courage Long-term success Perseverance Strength

    When there are Seven Wands in your spacing, it means that you will probably find yourself in a competitive situation and win. Things should go well for you, you should feel good, and your projects should go smoothly. You can still have regular moments of doubt, but even if you feel scared, now is the time to do it anyway.

    Seven of Wands - tarot card meaning

    Don't hesitate to show people your place. Your thinking is clear, and you will probably help someone by introducing it. This card may indicate that a positive change in your personal or professional life is coming. This letter also calls on you to be independent and think about yourself.


    Feel free to express your thoughts to your partner if you are in a relationship. It will only improve your relationship if, at the same time, you consider the way you talk about your thoughts. If you are single, this letter may mean that you will soon meet someone new outside of your usual place of residence. Try something new.


    Expect growth. You will get a bonus at the end of the year that you did not expect, or something you own is worth more than you think; In short, your money will multiply. Be reasonable in using and investing this money. Think long-term.

    Here I'm

    A great conflict is brewing, but don't be afraid of it. Thanks to the courage, you will overcome this obstacle and experience a serious change in your life.


    Keep believing in yourself. The possibilities may be against you, but you have the power to overcome them. The courage to fight and accept challenges will lead to a bright future.

    Tarot Reading YES or NO - Seven of Wands

    The Seven of Wands signifies long-term success because of the power you must have to overcome obstacles and be able to take calculated risks. By using courage to defend yourself, you will gain the best. The answer you are looking for is yes.