Tarot in Marseille figures - King, Queen, Knight and Jack

    The figures in the Tarot deck are the King, the Queen, the Knight, and the Jack. They are part of the Minor Arcana and correspond to the four suits of the Cards: Swords, Wands, Pentacles, and Cups. Know the associations of each of these figures in the Tarot.

    The Tarot is seen today as a tool for self-discovery and personal knowledge. To play, you need a Tarot deck. There are several, and each person can buy the one with which he best identifies. Regardless of the type of deck you choose, they all consist of 78 Cards, of which 22 refer to the Major Arcana, or Trumps, and 56 to the Minor Arcana. These are divided into four suits (Wands, Cups, Swords, and Coins) and contain 14 Cards numbered from 1 (Ace) to 10 and four figures: o King, Queen, Knight, and Jack. In this article, get to know the esoteric meaning of each of the figures in the deck of the Tarot in Marseille.

    The Figures in the Marseille Tarot Deck - Symbolism and Personality

    Each of the four suits of the Minor Arcana includes four figures: the King, the Queen, the Knight, and the Jack. Each card personifies the symbol of the respective suit; that is, they represent personality or character types (archetypes), which give more information about the person's life journey, starting from an external perspective. These Cards represent the different facets of the personality that are projected onto others, the people with whom we come across on a day-to-day basis, as well as those close to us or who serve as guides throughout our lives. On the other hand, the hierarchical position of these Cards also allows us to measure what type of energy is manifesting by the person who is doing the reading or by the important people who are present in their life.

    The King

    The King symbolizes the archetype of the universal man, the father, the hero. In general, the Kings are dynamic personalities with power and charisma. This figure is related to institutions and masculine figures or the masculine side of the personality. It expresses qualities such as maturityself-assertionwill, and the need to act. The King is associated with the Fire Element - a primordial quality also considered to define the personality of the signs of the Zodiac by Astrology. In the Tarot, the King can indicate the will or the need to act or make a decision, or, on the other hand, it indicates the presence of a person or a force that propels the other to act to achieve the defined objectives.

    Symbolism and Meaning of the Figure The King in the Tarot Deck

    • King of Wands
    It symbolizes positive energies and good adventures. It also represents institutions and figures linked to power, generosity, and capacity for action. It is the dynamic, intuitive, and strong side of the personality. On the contrary, this Letter does not have a negative meaning. It indicates that it will not be necessary to act or dialogue since everything will return to its place naturally, without effort.
    • King of Cups
    It represents comforting love, emotional protection, and a feeling of energy and joy. Reveals abundance, enthusiasm, and positivity. It predicts success and fame when it appears next to the Sun or The World of the Major Arcana Cards. Indicates a sensitive and enthusiastic person or a man who is sentimental and affectionate but perhaps unrealistic. On the contrary, it represents a warning against deceitful romances. Some issues can get complicated, and getting them back on track will be difficult. He also cautions against trusting people too much.
    • King of Swords
    It indicates deep common sense and success in all areas and projects. It refers to a dynamic, intelligent, courageous, and daring personჴ€”someone who has the necessary qualities to find solutions. On the contrary, it has a negative meaning since it predicts aggressiveness. It can manifest in a violent, austere, and excessively analytical person.
    • King of Pentacles
    It translates into a practical, patient, hard-working personality, and not very intellectual knowledge, but with a lot of willpower. This Charter is linked to material realization, finances, and real estate properties. On the contrary, it represents a person with a closed, spiteful, and austere mentality. It can also indicate someone is excessively concerned about the superficial aspect of things.

    The Queen

    The Queen is related to institutions, the strength of the feminine personality, and the feminine side, symbolizing sensitivityreceptivity, the capacity for protection, the maternal instinct, and the inner world, be it man or woman. The Queen is linked to the Water Element, which symbolizes the feminine principle.

    Symbolism and Meaning of the Figure The Queen in the Tarot Deck of Marseille

    • Queen of Wands
    This Charter represents trust and protection. It refers to the importance of trusting the projects, a good indicator of the state of health. It can also symbolize a personality full of energy and quite generous, with own and fair initiative. On the contrary, it indicates that the affairs and projects are paralyzed. It can represent a personality with a tendency to dominate or to tyranny.
    • Queen of Cups
    This Letter puts the feelings and emotions in evidence. It can designate altruism and psychic protection. It suggests the full realization of sentimental affairs and success in various affairs. It also refers to a very loving person. On the contrary, it suggests difficulties in some matters for some time. It also indicates a person who can be influenced and given to vices.
    • Queen of Swords
    It indicates a very intuitive and protective figure when it comes to feelings, with a strong sense of justice but who can become overly critical. On the contrary, it is a negative letter in predicting injustice. It can also refer to a treacherous and manipulative person.
    • Queen of Pentacles
    This figure is related to the struggles on the material and economic plane. However, it does not represent action, but it does represent a certain passivity. In this way, there may be plans, but a certain difficulty in putting them into practice or in making them concrete. It refers to an ambitious, practical, sensitive, understanding, and protective personality. An inverted position refers to a mediocre person and too attached to the routine, which can prevent him from progressing.

    The Knight

    O Knight represents the archetype of personalities younger, aggressive, radical, and less ceremonious than the figure of the King. It symbolizes the idealistic and fighting side, the person who throws himself into the unknown to defend those he loves and his projects without fear of the greatness of the adversary or difficulties. It is the spirit that prevails over matter. The Knight can also represent immature friends, family or lovers, younger men, or men who have no responsibilities. Represents the Air Element.

    Symbolism and Meaning of the Figure The Knight in the Tarot Deck of Marseille

    • Knight of Wands
    It predicts an activity combining intellect with intuition, a union that will yield good results. It also reveals a friendship or protective relationship. Indicates that a certain situation will be resolved favorably. It symbolizes the person who believes and defends his ideas and convictions. It can indicate the presence of someone intuitive and with enormous creative power but unstable and impractical. On the contrary, it can suggest delay or resistance. It refers to a person who promises a lot but who, having a habit of not keeping them, is unreliable.
    • Knight of Cups
    It represents the power of ideas and creativity. Predict a happy relationship between the bride and groom or the couple. Protect health-related matters. This Letter reflects a romantic and passionate but perhaps unrealistic character. Represents a person sentimentally involved in a relationship and intense passions. On the contrary, it represents problems or delays. It can indicate an unwelcome partner or someone who is unserious in a relationship.
    • Knight of Swords
    This is a Letter with a high degree of intellectuality. It helps to see projects quickly and clearly. The galloping knight symbolizes a rapid change, the unforeseen realization of something that nothing would anticipate. It translates into a very intelligent and rational person with good ideas and mental agility. On the contrary, it represents someone extremely rational, very rhetorical, but with a lack of self and feelings.
    • Knight of Pentacles
    This Letter symbolizes responsibility and the value of perseverance and willpower as a means to achieve objectives and carry out projects. It can indicate a strong and disciplined personality who likes to dedicate himself to solving practical issues. The other way around, it can show a discouraged person lacking the strength to fightჴ€”the tendency for dispersion and for the difficulty in specifying.

    The Jack

    Jack completes the figures of the Tarot deck. This archetype symbolizes a child who begins to walk, a still immature personჴ€”a light, childish and superficial energy. The Knave can also symbolize a message or a messenger, referring to adolescents in puberty, children, or extremely immature adult. It also represents a playful, opportunistic spirit or the need to take advantage of an opportunity. It is related to the Earth Element.

    Symbolism and Meaning of the Figure The Knave in the Tarot Deck of Marseille

    • Page of Wands
    It indicates the preparation of something to be done. Protect health and projects. Represents a person with a lot of character. On the contrary, it predicts delay and confusion. It symbolizes a situation or a person that cannot be trusted.
    • Jack of Cups
    It reveals that the doubts related to a given situation were overcome. Indicates that a matter of a sentimental nature will be resolved favorably. It represents a faithful, romantic, and tender person. On the contrary, it predicts a situation of abandonment. It can also refer to a selfish and lazy person.
    • Jack of Swords
    It symbolizes an idea that will be realized. Change is inevitable and is near. This is a restart of a new cycle. If the person manages to immerse himself in this environment of change, he will be able to start new projects. On the contrary, it predicts the suspension of a project or an issue that does not reach completion. It refers to someone who has destructive logic.
    • Page of Pentacles
    It characterizes a stubborn and practical personality. It also suggests a period when everything in life seems upsetting. There is no lack of energy, but there is a lack of enthusiasm. On the contrary, it predicts weak and confusing results. It can also indicate a lazy person who is carried away by illusions.

    Tarot Deck Figures - Minor Arcana Tarot of Marseille

    In addition to the figures in the Tarot deck, The Minor Arcana is made up of other cards, organized from Ace to 10. Learn about their esoteric meaning in this article.