What Virgo Must Let Go in December

    You must stop beating yourself up for your mistakes.

    Please, Virgo, it is one thing that you have done something wrong, that you have made a mistake in your life, and it is quite another that that mistake haunts you all your life. Seriously, put a little order and priority to everything; it is crucial that you do it. Often, December brings unpleasant memories of your past, it is a stage in which the year ends, and you wonder what happened this time ago, or to understand what your new goals are for next year ... Or stop to think if you are doing what you really want or not. Remember that you can ask yourself all those things, but what you cannot and should not do is stay there, nailed, letting all those thoughts stop your life suddenly, Virgo. What's done is done, the things that happened must have happened for some reason, and with time, you will understand that everything leads you down a path that is the one you must now take.

    It is time to be with the Virgo family, to forgive, laugh and truly forget the past.

    It is time to bring out the bad at once and to understand that the past cannot be changed, that what we must change is present to have the future that we really yearn for. Everything happens for a reason ... Don't forget ...