Virgo knows that he has finally found THAT person when he finally feels totally sure of himself. When he begins to love himself and stop having those insecurities that from time to time make him be someone he is not. That is when Virgo finds meaning in life; that is when Virgo begins to value himself as he should have valued long ago. Virgo now feels safe with himself and no longer has to be a person who is not only to please others. For Virgo, love is not simply based on romance; love is something more substantial. A relationship must be based on respect, loyalty, and above all, a lot of trusts.
Virgo finds his soul mate when he can finally let go and be himself. Now he is able to see love in a different way from how he saw it before.

In the past, for Virgo, love had only been something stressful, which brought him many headaches because he noticed that he did not fit in anywhere. The comfort zone for Virgo is sacred, and many people throughout their lives have been determined to get them out of there or directly destroy it. But Virgo knows that he is with the ideal person when he will make him feel like he is at home as if this is his own comfort zone.
Virgo is no longer afraid of himself or the other person. Virgo now feels at peace with himself and in harmony with life. All the time you spent searching and worrying about love has finally paid off. It didn't seem easy, but in the end, everything happens ...