cancer weekly horoscope


    It's the perfect time to get to know someone special, without things getting too heavy or intense. You'll have a chance to talk more and listen more than anything else in the beginning, and it will really help you appreciate how much you have in common, and how much you can still share. You will also appreciate each other's sense of humor. It's pure poetry and romance. You can invite your latest conquest over for an intimate meal for two, complete with champagne and strawberries with whipped cream. Create an atmosphere of pure magic, with aromatic touches, soft lighting and plenty of cushions. You are sure to have a memorable evening, and you may want to repeat this as often as possible.


    If money has been worrying you lately, looking healthy helps you out of that rut. Astral events stir your domestic life and your inner emotions. Feelings can seem to come out of nowhere. But all of this sets the stage for releasing old patterns, so you can move forward in your financial life. You feel the need to speak your mind at work. Don't allow someone else to take credit for what you've done. You can help others do a lot now. Offer to help anyone who seems to be having difficulty. There may be some drama or conflict around you that is making everyone unhappy. Do your best not to make the situation more complex. It's' opportunity to cement a friendship with a co-worker. The energy is powerful for making a decision that creates a better balance between work and family responsibilities.


    During the week, there will be a day when a very basic truth will appear to you. This basic truth could have something to do with your self-esteem. For example, practice saying to yourself, "When I put myself forward, I really have more to give." Feel the surge of energy. Renew your commitment to organize your life so that your needs are met, no matter what. Sooner or later, we all need to look within to nourish ourselves. What have you done for yourself lately? Your usual image of a radiant healthy person may need to be maintained. It's important to stick to your diet and exercise plan, even if you feel a little neglected or tired. Do not go into "couch" mode. The more you incorporate these good habits into your daily life, the easier it will be for you to persevere. Soon you'll feel so good you won't want to stop.