april 7 zodiac

    People born on April 7 are optimistic and generally well-loved.

    Horoscope and personality for those born on April 7

    They are always full of hope and enthusiasm, never leaving them wherever they go. They have a happy attitude: they forget their misfortunes and failures, which helps them maintain balance in life. They easily resist restlessness and bad experiences that would bring other people down. They are pessimistic, but this generally does not bother them. They carry out their commitments with such confidence and security that any criticism will be silenced, and their efforts will be crowned with success. They have a friendly attitude. In general, they are liked by everyone for their friendly demeanor. They have a calm character, are full of dignity, and are fully conscious. They usually strive for big and high goals. They also often show a lot of interest in science, especially in experiments of all kinds. They have an inner yearning for peace and quiet. They are commonly successful in life thanks to the support of women. They are open, capable, carefree, and fearless people whose vital energy does not weaken in their old age. When other people have already crossed the point of life where they yearn for peace, those born on this day still create new things and delve into various concepts, new plans, and commitments. They are impulsive people, sure of their own creative prowess: they organize and create new life opportunities. What threatens them: That they could hurt themselves or put themselves in danger of fights or wars. So, they should avoid arguing.

    Zodiac sign for those born on April 7

    If your birthday is April 7, your zodiac sign is  Aries.

    April 7 - personality and character

    character:  reliable, reasonable, level-headed, rude, unbearable, quarrelsome; profession:  singer, policeman, bookbinderjoiner; colors:  pink, red, white; stone:  fluorspar; animal:  seagull; plant:  Watercress; lucky numbers:  5,6,17,32,52,56 super lucky number:  13

    Holidays and Observances - April 7

    • International Day of Reflection on the Genocide in Rwanda
    • World Health Day.

    April 7 Celebrity Birthday. Who was born the same day as you?

    1906: Hans Mდ¶ser, German Nazi SS officer (d. 1948). 1907: Jacques Laudy, French cartoonist (f. 1993). 1908: Percy Faith, Canadian musician (d. 1976). 1908: Orlando Sandoval, Chilean lawyer, farmer, and politician (f. 1996). 1911: Eduardo Leდ³n, Chilean lawyer (f. 1991). 1915: Billie Holiday, American jazz singer (d. 1959). 1915: Henry Kuttner, American writer (d. 1958). 1916: Anthony Caruso, American actor (f. 2003). 1917: Roberto Huerta, Argentine military and aeronautical engineer (f. 2003). 1919: Edoardo Mangiarotti, Italian fencer and sports leader. (f. 2012). 1920: Franco Alvarado Perdomo, Bolivian writer (d. 1987). 1920: Ravi Shankar, Indian sitar musician (d. 2012). 1922: Mongo Santamarდ­a, Cuban percussionist, conductor and arranger (f. 2003). 1924: Daniel Emilfork, French actor (d. 2006). 1924: Johannes Mario Simmel, Anglo-Austrian screenwriter, and writer (d. 2009). 1927: Babatunde Olatunji, Nigerian drummer and activist (d. 2003). 1928: Alma Bressდ¡n, Argentine screenwriter (d. 1999). 1928: James Garner, American actor (d. 2014). 1928: Alan J. Pakula, American filmmaker. 1929: Domingo Cura, Argentine percussionist (d. 2004). 1929: Bob Denard, French mercenary (d. 2007). 1930: Yves Rocher, French cosmetics industrialist (d. 2009). 1930? Gabriela Morreale, Italian-Spanish chemist, researcher, and academic (b.1930). 1931: Donald Barthelme, American journalist, and writer (d. 1989). 1931: Daniel Ellsberg, American writer, and theologian. 1933: Wayne Rogers, American actor, producer, and screenwriter (d. 2015). 1934: Ian Richardson, Scottish actor (d. 2007). 1936: Xosდ© Manuel Beiras, Spanish politician. 1936: Josდ© Martდ­n Colmenarejo, Spanish cyclist (d. 1995). 1937: Emiliano Ortega, Chilean agronomist. 1937: Ulises Dumont, Argentine actor (f. 2008). 1938: Jerry Brown, American politician. 1938: Freddie Hubbard, American jazz trumpeter. 1938: Hermes Pena Torres, Cuban military (d. 1964). 1939: Francis Ford Coppola, American filmmaker. 1939: David Frost, British journalist, and presenter (d. 2013). 1939: Alberto Ormaetxea, Spanish soccer player and coach. 1939: Vaდ§e Zela, Albanian singer. 1942: Josდ© Marდ­a Maravall, Spanish jurist, sociologist and politician. 1943: Mick Abrahams, British composer and guitarist of the band Jethro Tull. 1943: Joaquim Agostinho, Portuguese cyclist (d. 1984). 1944: Gerhard Schrდ¶der, German politician. 1944: Miguel Roa, Spanish conductor (d. 2016). 1945: Megas, Icelandic singer, songwriter, and writer. 1945: Joდ«l Robuchon, French chef and writer. 1945: Werner Schroeter, German director and screenwriter (d. 2010). 1946: Zaid Abdul-Aziz, American basketball player. 1946: Colette Besson, French athlete. 1946: Stella Maris Closas, Argentine actress and theater director. 1946: Stan Winston, American special effects operator and makeup artist (d. 2008). 1947: Florian Schneider, German singer and drummer of the band Kraftwerk. 1947: Michele Torr, French singer. 1948: Josდ© Enrique Ruiz-Domenec, Spanish historian 1948: Nდ©stor Scotta, Argentine soccer player (d. 2001). 1949: Mitch Daniels, American politician. 1949: Cecilia Maresca, Argentine actress and theater director. 1949: John Oates, American musician of the band Hall & Oates. 1953: Rachid Khimoune, French sculptor of Algerian origin. 1954: Jackie Chan, actor, and Chinese stuntman. 1954: Tony Dorsett, American football player. 1955: Tortell Poltrona, Catalan clown. 1960: Buster Douglas, American boxer. 1961: Thurl Bailey, American basketball player. 1962: Andrew Hampsten, American cyclist. 1963: Jaime de Marichalar, Spanish aristocrat. 1964: Russell Crowe, New Zealand actor. 1965: Bill Bellamy, comedian, and American actor. 1965: დ?ngeles Gonzდ¡lez-Sinde, Spanish screenwriter and filmmaker. 1965: Christophe Krywonis, French chef. 1970: Leif Ove Andsnes, Norwegian pianist. 1970: Ivelდ­n Giro, Cuban actress. 1971: Guillaume Depardieu, French actor, son of actor Gდ©rard Depardieu (d. 2008). 1972: Gianluca Grignani, Italian singer. 1972: Josდ© Javier Hombrados, Spanish handball player. 1973: Marco Delvecchio, Italian footballer. 1973: Carole Montillet, French skier. 1974: Tygo Gernandt, Dutch actor. 1975: Karin Dreijer Andersson, Swedish singer of the band The Knife. 1975: Ronnie Belliard, American baseball player. 1975: John Cooper, American vocalist of the band Skillet. 1975: Sergio Peris Mencheta, Spanish actor. 1976: Kevin Alejandro, American actor. 1978: Duncan James, British singer and songwriter of the band Blue. 1979: Adriდ¡n Beltrდ©, Dominican baseball player. 1979: Chris Gbandi, American nationalized Liberian footballer. 1979: Ruth Nდºnez, Spanish actress. 1979: Rafael Peralta, US Marine. 1979: Danny Sandoval, Venezuelan baseball player. 1980: Pilar Gamboa, Argentine actress. 1980: David Otunga, American wrestler, and actor. 1981: Sharka Blue, a Czech porn actress. 1981: Alex Lanipekun, British actor. 1981: დ“scar Pდ©rez, chief of air operations of the Air Division of the police force (d. 2018). 1982: Sonjay Dutt, American wrestler. 1982: Soledad Fandino, Argentine actress and model. 1983: Andrea Fuentes, Spanish synchronized swimmer. 1983: Kyle Labine, Canadian actor. 1983: Franck Ribდ©ry, French footballer. 1983: Jon Stead, British footballer. 1986: Brooke Brodack, American comedian. 1986: Choi Siwon, South Korean actor and singer of the band Super Junior. 1986: Christian Fuchs, Austrian footballer. 1987: Martდ­n Cდ¡ceres, Uruguayan soccer player. 1987: Jack Duarte, Mexican actor, and singer. 1987: Jack Johnson, American actor. 1987: Alexis Love, an American porn actress. 1988: Ed Speleers, British actor. 1989: Alexa Demara, American model, and actress. 1989: Teddy Riner, French judoka. 1989: Franco Di Santo, Argentine footballer. 1990: Sorana Cდ®rstea, Romanian tennis player. 1992: Alexis Jordan, American singer. 1992: Ana Marდ­a Estupinდ¡n, Colombian actress.