january 9 zodiac

    People born on January 9th have a sophisticated mind, a love of the arts, and a sensual temperament.

    Horoscope and personality for those born on January 9

    They have good and bad tendencies in their nature. Like their good and bad characteristics - both in character and in mind - their experiences are also dual, bringing them happiness and unhappiness alternately. Curious that their style also shows two types. At one point they are very serious people, ornate, resonant with solemn words; they last like this for long periods. At other times they are distant, laconic, fond of popular proverbs. They often pay too much attention to the effects related to material life. At other times they climb the grandiose pathos only to end it unexpectedly with something trivial. Flaws: To tell the truth, the nature of these people lacks honesty, and they often do not admit the truth even to themselves. Always in opposition to everything in everything, regardless of the background of the discussion. They gladly oppose commonly accepted beliefs, and it so happens that mild-tempered and compassionate people especially trigger their aggression. When giving gifts and shopping, they can often be lavish, but become very strict and frugal in no time. All of that depends on your fantasies. When they are in a good mood, they see everything in bright colors, that is when their material resources seem endless. But when the weather turns gloomy, which happens quite often, everything changes and turns around. So not even giving gifts or buying something will bring them the slightest amount of pleasure. On the contrary, they may demonstrate unusual greed. What threatens them: Their overly confrontational and aggressive nature can lead to great difficulties in life. The days of January 9: Pedro, Antonio, Juliდ¡n, Juliana, Marcelina, Alexia, Verდ³nica.

    Zodiac sign for those born on January 9

    If your birthday is on January 9, your zodiac sign is  Capricorn

    January 9 - personality and character

    character:  impeccable, obedient, talented, disrespectful, mean, crazy profession:  janitor, mechanic, office worker colors:  green, white, scarlet stone:  spinel animal:  clam plant:  cypress lucky numbers:  1,19,29,32,33,49 super lucky number:  8

    Holidays and Observances - January 9

    • United States: Ballooning Day
    • Palau: Martyrs' Day (national mourning).
    • Panama: Martyrs' Day (national mourning).

    January 9 Celebrity birthdays. Who was born the same day as you?

    1902: Rudolf Bing, Austrian opera impresario (d. 1997). 1902: Josemarდ­a Escrivდ¡, Spanish priest, founder of Opus Dei (d. 1975). 1903: Melitta Grდ¤fin Schenk von Stauffenberg, German pilot and engineer (d. 1945). 1906: დ“scar Domდ­nguez, Spanish surrealist painter (d. 1957). 1906: Eduardo Morera, Argentine filmmaker (f. 1997). 1908: Simone de Beauvoir, French writer (d. 1986). 1909: Anthony Mamo, Maltese politician (d. 2008). 1909: Rafael Garcდ­a Herreros, Catholic priest and Colombian television presenter, founder of the Minuto de Dios Corporation (f. 1992). 1911: Gypsy Rose Lee (or 1914), American presenter (d. 1970). 1913: Richard Nixon, American president (d. 1994). 1914: Kenny Clarke, American jazz drummer (d. 1985). 1914: Tდ­a Valentina, Argentine journalist (d. 2011). 1915: Fernando Lamas, Argentine actor (d. 1982). 1915: Anita Louise, American actress (d. 1970). 1920: Joდ£o Cabral de Melo Neto, Brazilian poet (f. 1999). 1920: Clive Dunn, British actor (d. 2012). 1920: Rubდ©n Ruiz Ibდ¡rruri, Soviet military man of Spanish origin (d. 1942). 1920: Josდ© Luis de Vilallonga, Spanish writer and actor (d. 2007). 1922: Ahmed Sდ©kou Tourდ©, Guinean politician and president between 1958 and 1984 (d. 1984). 1922: Har Gobind Khorana, American biochemist, Nobel laureate in physiology or medicine in 1968 (d. 2011). 1924: Sergei Parajanov, Armenian filmmaker (d. 1990). 1925: Lee Van Cleef, American actor (d. 1989). 1925: Margot Cottens, Uruguayan actress (f. 1999). 1925: Bernardo Neustadt, Argentine journalist (f. 2008). 1927: Rodolfo Walsh, Argentine journalist, writer, playwright, translator and political activist (d. 1977). 1927: Adolfo Antonio Suდ¡rez Rivera, Mexican Archbishop, Cardinal of the Catholic Church (f. 2008). 1928: Domenico Modugno, Italian singer and actor (d. 1994). 1929: Heiner Mდ¼ller, German playwright (d. 1995). 1931: Algis Budrys, American writer of Lithuanian origin. 1931: Pat Conway, Canadian actor (d. 1981). 1933: Wilbur Smith, Zambian writer. 1934: Mahendra Kapoor, Indian singer (d. 2008). 1935: Bob Denver, American actor (f. 2005). 1935: Raდºl Morodo, Spanish politician. 1937: Enrique Lizalde, Mexican actor (f. 2013). 1938: Chidambaram Padmanabhan Ramanuyდ¡m, Indian mathematician (d. 1974). 1939: Kiko Argდ¼ello, Spanish lay religious, founder of the Neocatechumenal Way. 1939: Susannah York, British actress (d. 2011). 1940: Ruth Dreifuss, Swiss economist. 1940: Ernesto El Flaco Suდ¡rez, actor and theater director. 1941: Joan Baez, American singer. 1942: Laureano Albდ¡n, Costa Rican writer. 1943: Scott Walker, American singer and bassist, of the band The Walker Brothers. 1944: Hugo Moyano, Argentine union leader. 1944: Jimmy Page, British guitarist, of the band Led Zeppelin. 1945: Levon Ter-Petrosian, Armenian president between 1991 and 1998. 1948: Susana Dosamantes, Mexican film and television actress. 1948: Heraldo Romero Sდ¡nchez, Colombian politician (d. 1980). 1948: Alberto Samid, Argentine businessman and politician. 1950: David Johansen, American musician and singer. 1950: Rio Reiser, German singer (f. 1996). 1950: Juan Luis Goenaga, Spanish painter. 1951: ML Carr, American basketball player and coach. 1955: Michiko Kakutani, American literary critic. 1955: JK Simmons, American actor. 1956: Kimberly Beck, American actress. 1956: Imelda Staunton, British actress. 1956: Adriana Xenides, Australian television presenter, of Argentine origin (d. 2010). 1957: Yury Bandazhevsky, Belorussian scientist. 1957: Anდ­bal Fernდ¡ndez, Argentine politician. 1957: Phil Lewis, American vocalist, of the band LA Guns. 1957: Armando Saliva, Argentine businessman and politician. 1957: Manuel Sarabia, Spanish soccer player and coach. 1958: Mehmet Ali Aე?ca, Turkish attempted assassin. 1958: Stephen Neale, British philosopher. 1959: Rigoberta Menchდº, Guatemalan politician, Nobel Peace Prize winner in 1992. 1959: Mark Martin, American stock car driver. 1961: Al Jean, American screenwriter and producer. 1962: Cecilia Gabriela, Mexican actress. 1963: Eric Erlandson, American musician, of the band Hole. 1963: Michael Everson, American linguist. 1963: Mathieu Hermans, Dutch cyclist. 1963: Rei Igarashi, Japanese voice actress. 1964: Stan Javier, Dominican baseball player. 1965: Muggsy Bogues, American basketball player. 1965: Eric Erlandson, American musician. 1965: Haddaway, German singer. 1965: Farah Khan, actress and Indian director. 1965: Joely Richardson, British actress. 1966: Jan Johansen, Swedish musical artist. 1966: Candi Milo, American singer and actress. 1966: Verდ³nica Varano, model, actress and Argentine television host. 1967: Claudio Caniggia, Argentine footballer. 1967: Steven Harwell, American musician, of the band Smash Mouth. 1967: Dave Matthews, South African singer, of the Dave Matthews Band. 1968: Joey Lauren Adams, American actress. 1970: Lara Fabian, Belgian singer. 1970: Alex Staropoli, Italian keyboardist and composer, of the band Rhapsody of Fire. 1970: Tonino Carotone, Spanish singer-songwriter, of the bands Tijuana in Blue and Kojდ³n Prieto y los Huajolotes. 1971: MF Doom, American rapper and producer. 1971: Angie Martდ­nez, American rapper. 1972: Javier Lდ³pez, Venezuelan golfer. 1972: Mat Hoffman, American motorcycle rider. 1973: Sean Paul, Jamaican singer. 1974: Jesulდ­n de Ubrique, Spanish bullfighter 1974: Sდ¡vio Bortolini, Brazilian soccer player. 1976: Yoanka Gonzდ¡lez, Cuban cyclist. 1976: Todd Grisham, American commentator. 1978: Gennaro Gattuso, Italian footballer. 1978: Mike Pelino, American guitarist, of the band Green Day. 1978: Chad Johnson, American football player. 1978: AJ McLean, American singer, of the band Backstreet Boys. 1978: Tomiko Van, Japanese singer. 1978: Cristina Lasvignes, Spanish journalist and presenter. 1979: Athanassios Prittas, Greek footballer. 1979: Tomiko Van, singer and Japanese actress, of the band Do As Infinity. 1980: Edgar დ?lvarez, Honduran soccer player. 1980: Fumie Mizusawa, Japanese voice actress and novelist. 1980: Sergio Garcდ­a, Spanish golfer. 1981: Euzebiusz Smolarek, Polish footballer. 1982: Catherine of Cambridge, British aristocrat. 1982: Grდ©tar Steinsson, Icelandic footballer. 1983: Osmar Ferreyra, Argentine soccer player. 1984: Oliver Jarvis, British motor racing driver. 1984: Bobby Jones, American basketball player. 1985: Kika Edgar, actress, dancer and Mexican singer. 1985: Juanfran Torres, Spanish footballer. 1985: დ“scar Soliz, Bolivian cyclist. 1987: Paolo Nutini, British singer-songwriter. 1987: Lucas Pezzini Leiva, Brazilian soccer player. 1987: Pablo Santos, Mexican actor (f. 2006). 1987: Mao Inoue, Japanese actress. 1988: Marc Crosas, Spanish footballer. 1988: Carlos Peდ±a, Guatemalan singer and songwriter. 1989: Michael Beasley, American basketball player. 1989: Nina Dobrev, Bulgarian-Canadian actress. 1989: Michaella Krajicek, Dutch tennis player. 1989: Kevin Benavides, Argentine motorcyclist 1990: Nam Jihyun, South Korean actress and singer. 1993: Ashley Argota, American actress. 1995: Nicola Peltz, American actress.