july 14 zodiac

    People born on July 14 show broad interests.

    Horoscope and personality for those born on July 14

    They are interested in everything that happens in the world, what others do, what they think, all of which allow them to gather information, expand their experience, and develop their inner selves. They reflect nature, they think and reflect a lot. They have a great imagination and like to daydream. They are withdrawn, changeable, quite reserved, somewhat shy - they show little interest in excelling in life. Unusually sensitive and often reserved - quite understanding in their behavior. They enjoy their family environment and are exceptionally attached to their mothers. They are emotional people, emotionally linked to other people. They like the past, old customs and, in general, all old things; they often collect various items. They have quite a romantic demeanor. Frugal and persevering - they don't quit their job even when everyone else does. They are very afraid of being ridiculed, which often causes them to mask their feelings and cause misunderstandings. They are capable of lasting and deep love. Flaws: They show a certain inertia of character and lack of initiative. After periods of activity and work, there is some passivity and inertia in which they want to avoid any effort. They are too proud, too fond of superficial ceremonies; however, they are quite bitter in relationships. What threatens them? The middle period of your life will be joyful and happy. However, because they express too much passivity when they should be trying their best, the end of their life could be unfavorable. Diseases in which they might be at risk include digestive disorders, gastric fever, and rheumatism.

    Zodiac sign for those born on July 14

    If your birthday is July 14, your zodiac sign is  Cancer

    July 14 - personality and character

    character:  cautious, disinterested, alert, nervous, disrespectful, small and narrow open-minded profession:  farmer, violinist, lawyer colors:  orange, gray, brown stone:  cat's eye animal:  duck plant:  Chives lucky numbers:  21,23,44,46,51,53 super lucky number:  5

    Holidays and Observances - July 14

    • Iraq: Republic Day.
    • Nicaragua: National Flag Day.
    • France: French National Day.

    July 14 Celebrity Birthday. Who was born the same day as you?

    1901 - Gerald Finzi, British composer (d. 1956). 1903: Irving Stone, American writer (d. 1989). 1904: Isaac Bashevis Singer, Polish writer, Nobel Prize Winner for literature in 1978 (d. 1991). 1907: Annabella, French actress (f. 1996). 1910: Lucas Demare, Argentine filmmaker (d. 1981). 1910: William Hanna, American animator, filmmaker and producer (d. 2001). 1911: Terry-Thomas, British actor (d. 1990). 1911: Gertrude Scharff Goldhaber, American nuclear physicist of German Jewish origin (d. 1998). 1912: Northrop Frye, Canadian literary and theologian (d. 1991). 1912: Woody Guthrie, American musician (d. 1967). 1913: Gerald Ford, 38th American president between 1974 and 1977 (d. 2006). 1916: Natalia Ginzburg, Italian writer (d. 1991). 1916: Julio Porter, Argentine screenwriter and filmmaker (d. 1979). 1918: Ingmar Bergman, Swedish filmmaker (d. 2007). 1919: Lino Ventura, Italian actor (d. 1987). 1921: Geoffrey Wilkinson, British chemist, 1973 Nobel Prize winner for chemistry (d. 1996). 1922: Julio Cozzi, Argentine soccer player (d. 2011). 1922: Mario Recordდ³n, Chilean athlete (f. 1994). 1923: Dale Robertson, American actor (d. 2013). 1923: Robert Zildjian, American businessman (d. 2013). 1924: James Whyte Black, British physician and pharmacologist, 1988 Nobel Prize Winner (d. 2010). 1925: Marდ­a Asunciდ³n Catala Poch, Catalan mathematician and astronomer (d. 2009). 1926: Harry Dean Stanton, American actor. 1928: Nancy Olson, American actress. 1929: Julio de Grazia, Argentine actor (d. 1989). 1931: Luis Pდ©rcovich Roca, Peruvian pharmaceutical chemist and politician (b. 2017). 1932: Helga Linდ©, German actress settled in Spain. 1933: Robert Bourassa, Canadian politician and economist (b. 1996). 1937: Yoshiro Mori, Japanese Prime Minister. 1938: James Christy, American astronomer. 1938: Jerry Rubin, American social activist (b.1994). 1938: Richard Rust, American actor (d. 1994). 1939: Peter Duryea, American actor (d. 2013). 1939: Karel Gott, Czech singer. 1939: Sid Haig, American actor. 1941: Ron Karenga, American writer and activist. 1942: Javier Solana, Spanish politician. 1943: Christopher Priest, British novelist. 1945: Jim Gordon, American musician. 1946: Vincent Pastore, American actor. 1947: Navinchandra Ramgoolam, Prime Minister of the Mauritius Islands. 1948: Berhaneyesus Demerew Souraphiel, Catholic religious and Ethiopian cardinal. 1949: Tommy Mottola, American music producer. 1953: Bebe Buell, American model and singer. 1955: L. Brent Bozell III, American writer and activist. 1956: Julio Chდ¡vez, Argentine actor. 1958: Miguel დ?ngel Cortდ©s, Spanish politician. 1959: Wilmer Barrientos, Venezuelan general. 1960: Kyle Gass, American actor, guitarist and singer-songwriter, of the band Tenacious D. 1960: Angelique Kidjo, Beninese singer-songwriter. 1960: Jane Lynch, American actress. 1961: Jackie Earle Haley, American actor. 1966: Owen Coyle, British footballer and coach. 1966: Tanya Donelly, American songwriter and guitarist, of the bands Belly and The Breeders. 1966: Matthew Fox, American actor. 1966: Ellen Reid, Canadian musician, of the band Crash Test Dummies. 1966: Brian Selznick, American illustrator. 1966: Ana Marდ­a Cuervo, Spanish cell biologist 1967: Karsten Braasch, German tennis player. 1967: Jeff Jarrett, American professional wrestler. 1967: Robin Ventura, American baseball player. 1967: Michelle Yvonne Simmons, British physicist 1969: Kazushi Sakuraba, Japanese wrestler. 1971: Antonio Carlos Ortega, Spanish handball player. 1971: Mark LoMonaco, American professional wrestler. 1971: Nick McCabe, British guitarist, of the bands The Verve and The Black Ships. 1971: Joey Styles, American commentator. 1971: Howard Webb, British referee. 1972: Deborah Mailman, Australian actress. 1973: Kota Hirano, Japanese mangaka. 1973: Candela Pena, Spanish actress. 1974: Erick Dampier, American basketball player. 1974: Alberto Hevia, Spanish rally driver. 1974: David Mitchell, British comedian and actor. 1975: Taboo, American rapper, of the band Black Eyed Peas. 1976: Andrდ©s Ospina, writer and producer of Colombian radio. 1976: Diego Rivarola, Argentine-Chilean soccer player. 1976: Kirsten Sheridan, Irish filmmaker. 1977: Mototsugu Shimizu, Japanese fighter. 1977: Victoria of Sweden, Swedish aristocrat. 1977: Adil Ramzi, Moroccan footballer. 1978: Mattias Ekstrდ¶m, Swedish motorsport driver. 1978: Kristy Wright, Australian actress. 1979: Bernie Castro, Dominican baseball player. 1979: Ariel Garcდ©, Argentine soccer player. 1979: Josდ© Moratდ³n, Spanish footballer. 1979: Scott Porter, American actor and singer. 1982: Andrდ©s Borghi, Argentine director and screenwriter, creator of the video game "The Black Heart". 1983: Igor Andrდ©iev, Russian tennis player. 1983: Kareem McLean Powell, Costa Rican soccer player. 1983: Juan Carlos Gutiდ©rrez, Venezuelan baseball player. 1984: Adriana Abenia, Spanish television presenter, model and actress. 1984: Renaldo Balkman, American basketball player. 1984: Alessandro Boccolini, Italian footballer. 1984: Mounir El Hamdaoui, Moroccan footballer. 1984: Samir Handanoviე?, Slovenian footballer. 1984: Nilmar, Brazilian soccer player. 1984: Fleur Saville, New Zealand actress. 1986: Alexander Gerndt, Swedish footballer. 1986: Dan Smith, British singer. 1987: Sara Canning, Canadian actress. 1987: Adam Johnson, British footballer. 1987: Dan Reynolds, American singer. 1988: Conor McGregor, Irish MMA fighter. 1988: Luis Troche, Paraguayan actor. 1989: Sean Flynn, American actor. 1992: Malena Luchetti, Argentine actress. 1993: Rubდ©n Garcდ­a, Spanish soccer player. 1993: Ailდ­n Salas, Argentine actress of Brazilian origin. 1997: Cengiz დ?nder, Turkish footballer. 1998: Lucდ­a Garcდ­a, Spanish footballer