july 25 zodiac

    People born on July 25 are sociable, understanding, willing to play a prominent role in their environment.

    Horoscope and personality for those born on July 25

    They are sociable, cordial, stable and loyal people who strive for sympathy and harmonious cooperation in their environment. Ambition playing a prominent role in these people. They pursue a boss position in any way they can, and courage does not leave them, even in the worst situations in life. Absolutely sensual, often talented: they show love for the fine arts and often have artistic inspirations. They have significant skills in many fields, but are often unaware of them. When they develop these skills properly, which usually happens in the second half of their life, they become popular people and can achieve general recognition. It should be added that this birthday favors innate abilities and talents, it also promises the birth of a child. This birthday bestows the success of the husband of a woman born on this day, as well as the son of such a father. Flaws: They are hesitant and insecure people: they surrender to the influence of their environment and change their minds. Their moods are also changeable: at one moment they are full of hope and courage, at another they suffer from depression. They also change their place of residence, and their position in life remains uncertain for a long time due to various experiences. What threatens them: They are too impetuous, which puts them at risk of critical situations. They are also in danger of losing their vocation. They don't find success in water-related activities, and travel can be dangerous.

    Zodiac sign for people born on July 25

    If your birthday is July 25, your zodiac sign is  Leo

    July 25 - personality and character

    character:  judicious, talented, trustworthy, shy, curious, narrow-minded profession:  programmer, aviator, goalkeeper colors:  brown, white, gray battleship stone:  jasper animal:  marmot plant:  Celosia lucky numbers:  6,27,34,40,47,48 super lucky number:  3

    July 25 Celebrity Birthday. Who was born the same day as you?

    Chile: Day of the Chilean Drummer and Percussionist Mexico: Anniversary of Saltillo (Mexico). Spain: Patronal feast, in honor of Santiago Apდ³stol. Spain: Galicia - National Day of Galicia Spain: Cebrecos (Burgos) - Santiago and Santa Ana Spain: La Solana (Ciudad Real) Santiago and Santa Ana Spain: Granდ¡tula de Calatrava (Ciudad Real) Santiago, Santa Ana and San Pantaleდ³n Spain: Navezuelas Santiago Apდ³stol Spain: Vitoria - Blusa Day Dominican Republic: Yaque del Norte River Day Guatemala: San Cristდ³bal Verapaz: Patronal feast, in honor of Cristდ³bal de Licia and Santiago Apდ³stol. Antigua Guatemala: Patronal Festival, in honor of Santiago Apდ³stol. Bolivia: Santiago Festival, Toro Toro Perდº: Patronal Festival, in honor of Santiago Apდ³stol. Venezuela: Foundation of the City of Santiago de Leდ³n de Caracas by Don Diego de Losada. Colombia: Foundation of the City of Santiago de Cali. Ecuador: Foundation of the city of Santiago de Guayaquil by Francisco de Orellana in 1547. Costa Rica: Annexation of the Party of Nicoya. 1900: Enrique Amorim, Uruguayan writer (f. 1960). 1901: Lila Lee, American actress (d. 1973). 1902: Eric Hoffer, American writer and philosopher (d. 1983). 1905: Elდ­as Canetti, Bulgarian-British writer, 1981 Nobel Prize winner for literature (d. 1994). 1905: Matდ­as Vega Guerra, Spanish politician (d. 1989). 1906: Manuel Dდ­ez-Alegrდ­a, Spanish military (d. 1987). 1907: Johnny Hodges, American saxophonist and clarinetist (d. 1970). 1908: Jack Gilford, American actor (d. 1990). 1909: Gianandrea Gavazzeni, Italian conductor and musician (f. 1996). 1914: Woody Strode, American actor (d. 1994). 1920: Carlos Alconada Aramburდº, Argentine radical politician, minister of the dictatorship (f. 2003). 1920: Jean Carmet, French actor (d. 1994). 1920: Rosalind Franklin, British molecular biologist (d. 1958). 1921: Lionel Terray, French mountaineer (d. 1965). 1921: Paul Watzlawick, Austrian psychotherapist (d. 2007). 1922: Elisa Christian Galvდ©, Argentine actress (f. 2000). 1923: Estelle Getty, American actress (d. 2008). 1923: Marდ­a Gripe, Swedish writer (d. 2007). 1924: Luis Suდ¡rez Fernდ¡ndez, Spanish historian. 1925: Jerry Paris, American actor (d. 1986). 1927: Carlos Romero Galiana, Spanish physician and molinologist (d. 2008). 1928: Dolphy, Filipino actor, singer and producer (d. 2012). 1929: Alba Castillo, Argentine actress (d. 2013). 1930: Maureen Forrester, Canadian alto (d. 2010). 1930: Annie Ross, British jazz singer. 1933: Gustav Embden, German biochemist (b. 1874). 1933: Laly Soldevila, Spanish actress (d. 1979). 1934: Don Ellis, American trumpeter (d. 1978). 1934: Claude Zidi, French director and screenwriter. 1935: Barbara Harris, American actress and singer. 1935: Adnan Khashoggi, Arab businessman. 1935: Santiago Marraco, Spanish politician. 1935: Lars Werner, Swedish politician (d. 2013). 1936: Glenn Murcutt, Australian architect. 1937: Colin Renfrew, British archaeologist. 1940: Sergio Faraco, Brazilian writer and translator. 1941: Raდºl Ruiz, Chilean filmmaker (d. 2011). 1941: Nate Thurmond, American basketball player. 1942: Bruce Woodley, Australian singer, songwriter and guitarist, of the band The Seekers. 1943: Jim McCarty, British singer and drummer, of the band The Yardbirds. 1943: Erika Steinbach, German politician. 1945: Juan Carlos Cდ¡rdenas, Argentine footballer. 1945: Ventura Pons, Spanish filmmaker. 1946: Josდ© Areas, Nicaraguan drummer, of the Santana band. 1946: Rita Marley, Cuban singer. 1947: Gabriel Parra, Chilean drummer, of the band Los Jaivas (f. 1988). 1947: Adolfo Rodrდ­guez Saდ¡, Argentine politician, president in 2001. 1948: Josდ© Marდ­a Benegas, Spanish socialist leader. 1948: Zipacnდ¡ de Leდ³n, Guatemalan artist (f. 2002). 1951: Verdine White, American bassist, of the band Earth, Wind and Fire. 1952: Eduardo Souto de Moura, Portuguese architect. 1952: Huang Wenyong, Malaysian-Singaporean actor (d. 2013). 1953: Margarita Isabel, Mexican actress. 1953: Robert Zoellick, American banker, former president of the World Bank. 1954: Santiago Auserდ³n, Spanish musician, of the bands Radio Futura and Juan Perro. 1954: Lynne Frederick, British-American actress (d. 1994). 1954: Walter Payton, American footballer (d. 1999). 1955: Iman, Somali model. 1957: Steve Podborski, Canadian skier. 1958: Alexei Filippenko, American astrophysicist and educator. 1958: Thurston Moore, American singer, songwriter, guitarist and producer, of the bands Sonic Youth and Ciccone Youth. 1959: Anatoly Onoprienko, Ukrainian assassin (d. 2013). 1959: Nicanor Vდ©lez, Colombian poet (d. 2011). 1963: Julian Hodgson, British chess player. 1964: Anne Applebaum, American journalist and writer. 1965: Illeana Douglas, American actress, director, producer and screenwriter. 1966: Jaume Fort, Spanish handball player and coach. 1967: Matt LeBlanc, American actor and producer. 1969: Jon Barry, American basketball player and sportscaster. 1970: Ernesto Alterio, Argentine actor. 1970: Jorge Javier Vდ¡zquez, Spanish television presenter. 1971: Tracy Murray, American basketball player. 1973: David Denman, American actor. 1973: Mauricio Aspe, Mexican actor. 1973: Dani Filth, British singer, songwriter and actor, of the band Cradle of Filth. 1973: Kevin Phillips, British footballer. 1973: Igli Tare, Albanian footballer. 1973: Guillermo Mota, Dominican baseball player. 1974: Kenzo Suzuki, Japanese professional wrestler. 1974: Lauren Faust, American animator. 1974: Paul Epworth, British musician, composer and record producer. 1975: Jody Craddock, British footballer. 1975: Jean-Claude Darcheville, French footballer. 1975: El Zorro, Mexican wrestler. 1976: Tera Patrick, American porn actress. 1976: Javier Vდ¡zquez, Puerto Rican baseball player. 1977: Kenny Thomas, American basketball player. 1978: Louise Brown, first test tube girl, British personality. 1978: Paco Pena (Francisco Pena Romero), Spanish footballer. 1979: Margarita Magana, Mexican actress. 1979: Juan Pablo Di Pace, Argentine actor. 1980: Diam's, French rap singer. 1980: Samuel Sheinbein, American-Israeli assassin (d. 2014). 1980: Toni Vilander, Finnish racing driver. 1981: Conor Casey, American footballer. 1981: Konstantinos Charalambidis, Cypriot footballer. 1981: Yuichi Komano, Japanese footballer. 1981: Fergal Devitt, Irish professional wrestler. 1982: Brad Renfro, American actor (f. 2008). 1983: Nenad Krstiე‡, Serbian basketball player. 1984: Loukas Mavrokefalidis, Greek basketball player. 1984: Shotta, Spanish rapper. 1985: James Lafferty, American actor. 1985: Nelson Piquet, Jr., Brazilian Nascar driver. 1985: Hugo Rodallega, Colombian footballer. 1985: Shantel VanSanten, American actress and model. 1986: Barbara Meier, German model. 1986: Hulk, Brazilian soccer player. 1987: Jax Jones, British DJ. 1987: Michael Welch, American actor. 1988: Sarah Geronimo, Filipino singer, songwriter, dancer and actress. 1988: Heather Marks, Canadian model. 1988: Paulinho, Brazilian soccer player. 1988: Anthony Stokes, Irish footballer. 1989: Andrew Caldwell, American actor. 1990: Carlos Carbonero, Colombian soccer player. 1990: Wakaso Mubarak, Ghanaian footballer.