may 17 zodiac

    People born on May 17 are forward-thinking and hard-working, which can bring them wealth.

    Horoscope and personality for those born on May 17

    They know what they want and they work with perseverance. They are characterized by being frugal. Your efforts and diligence will lead you to material success, and your foresight will help you accumulate wealth. They can also make a career through marriage. They are patient, with great skills and the ability to adapt to circumstances. They lead a fairly simple life. They have many original projects and good ideas. They have more advantages than they can use. They are eloquent and persuasive people. Their profession may be quite eccentric or unusual, but they will be successful in it. They will be successful in gardening, agriculture, and mining. What should they watch out for? They must be careful with outbursts of anger and envy. How to raise a child born on this day? They are willful, and when left alone, they become reluctant and insensitive. They have great vitality, and sometimes suffer from overeating. A strong sensuality develops early in them. They should be taught courtesy and sympathy for all living things, and cruelty should be discouraged.

    Zodiac sign for those born on May 17

    If your birthday is May 17, your zodiac sign is  Taurus

    May 17 - personality and character

    character:  fair-minded, trustworthy, careful, dismissive, moody, impetuous; profession:  librarian, gravedigger, lawyer; colors:  olive, beige, narcissus; stone:  goshenite; animal:  badger; plant:  poplar; lucky numbers:  2,3,20,25,28,47 super lucky number:  18

    Holidays and observances - May 17

    • Nicaragua: Accountant Day.
    • International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia.
    • World Telecommunications and Information Society Day.
    • Cuba: Agrarian and Peasant Reform Day.
    • Norway: Norwegian Constitution Day 2?
    • El Salvador: Accountant Day.
    • Spain (Galicia): Galician Literature Day.
    • Mexico: Technical Student Day
    • Internet Day.
    • World Hypertension Day.
    • Mexico: Museum Day
    • Argentina: Day of the Navy.

    May 17 Celebrity Birthday. Who was born the same day as you?

    1900: Ruhollah Khomeini, Iranian political leader (d. 1989). 1902: Khuang Abhaiwongse, Thai politician (d. 1968). 1904: Jean Gabდ­n, French actor (d. 1976). 1910: Enriqueta Harris, British art historian and writer (d. 2006). 1911: Alfredo Mayo, Spanish actor (d. 1985). 1911: Maureen O'Sullivan, Irish actress (d. 1998). 1911: Antonio Tovar, Spanish linguist (d. 1985). 1918: Birgit Nilsson, Swedish soprano (d. 2005). 1918: Trini de Figueroa, Spanish writer (d. 1972). 1919: Antonio Aguilar, singer, producer, actor, and Mexican director (d. 2007). 1919: Josდ© Marდ­a Querejeta Alberro, Spanish soccer player. 1920: Aquiles Nazoa, Venezuelan writer, poet, journalist and humorist (d. 1976). 1925: Michel de Certeau, French historian and philosopher (d. 1986). 1926: Antonio Fernდ¡ndez-Galiano, Spanish politician (f. 1999). 1929: Mდ©lida Anaya Montes, Salvadoran politician and guerrilla (f. 1983). 1929: Piet Wijn, Dutch cartoonist (d. 2010). 1931: Dewey Redman, American jazz musician (d. 2006). 1935: Rafael Canogar, Spanish painter and sculptor. 1936: Dennis Hopper, American actor and filmmaker (d. 2010). 1940: Alan Kay, American computer scientist. 1941: Josდ© Ufarte, Spanish soccer player and coach. 1942: Ramდ³n Sდ¡nchez Ocana, Spanish journalist. 1942: Taj Mahal, American blues musician. 1945: Tony Roche, Australian tennis player. 1949: Bill Bruford, British drummer, of the Yes band. 1949: Andrew Latimer, British musician, of the band Camel. 1950: Janez Drnovვ¡ek, Slovenian politician (d. 2008). 1952: Marta Betoldi, Argentine actress and screenwriter. 1952: Pedro Menchდ©n, Spanish writer. 1952: Josep-Lluდ­s Carod-Rovira, Spanish politician. 1953: Luca Prodan, Argentine musician of Italian origin, of the Sumo band (d. 1987). 1953: Vidal Francisco Soberდ³n Sanz, Mexican sailor. 1955: Bill Paxton, American actor. 1956: Sugar Ray Leonard, American boxer. 1956: Bob Saget, American actor. 1956: Dave Sim, Canadian comic book writer. 1958: Paul Di'Anno, American musician, first singer of the band Iron Maiden. 1958: Rudy Pდ©rez, Cuban-American musician and producer. 1958: Hდ©ctor Ruiz, Argentine politician. 1959: Marcelo Loffreda, Argentine rugby player and coach. 1961: Enya, Irish singer. 1961: Luis Majul, Argentine journalist. 1962: Arturo Peniche, Mexican actor. 1962: Aglaja Veteranyi, Swiss actress and writer of Romanian origin (d. 2002). 1965: Trent Reznor, American musician, of the band Nine Inch Nails. 1967: Fernando Esteche, Argentine journalist and activist, leader of the Quebracho group. 1969: Joan Llaneras, Spanish cyclist. 1970: Jordan Knight, American singer, of the band New Kids on the Block. 1971: Maxima of the Netherlands, Dutch queen consort. 1973: Sasha Alexander, American actress. 1973: Maximiliano Ghione, Argentine actor. 1973: Josh Homme, American guitarist for the bands Kyuss and Queens of the Stone Age. 1974: Andrea Corr, Irish singer, of the band The Corrs. 1974: Wiki Gonzდ¡lez, Venezuelan baseball player. 1974: Eddie Lewis, American footballer. 1976: Mayte Martდ­nez, Spanish athlete. 1977: Pablo Prigioni, Argentine basketball player. 1977: Zatu, Spanish singer, of the band SFDK. 1977: Iker Galartza, Spanish actor and screenwriter. 1979: Wayne Thomas, British footballer. 1980: Juan Arango, Venezuelan soccer player. 1980: Ricardo Trevino, Mexican guitarist of the Panda band. 1981: Benat Albizuri, Spanish cyclist. 1981: Mario Horton, Chilean actor. 1981: Shiri Maimon, Israeli singer. 1981: Giannis Taralidis, Greek footballer. 1982: Borja Oubina, Spanish footballer. 1982: Tony Parker, Franco-American basketball player. 1983: Channing Frye, American basketball player. 1984: Christian Bolanos, Costa Rican soccer player. 1984: Teდ³filo Gutiდ©rrez, Colombian soccer player. 1984: Passenger, British singer and songwriter. 1985: Javi Chica, Spanish soccer player. 1986: Jaime Preciado, bassist of the band Pierce the Veil 1987: Edvald Boasson Hagen, Norwegian cyclist. 1988: Nikki Reed, American actress. 1990: Darდ­o Benedetto, Argentine soccer player. 1991: Daniel Curtis Lee, American actor and singer. 1991: Oriol Torres Ustrell, Spanish footballer.