may 26 zodiac

    People born on May 26 like risks in their life. They have a dual nature.

    Horoscope and personality for those born on May 26

    They are very good at expressing their thoughts in writing, they show artistic or literary skills. A little haughty and selfish: they are excellent for mental works. They are especially good at justifying the validity of your claims. Persistent and unwavering in their arguments. Their nature is generally quite combative, they are also jealous. They are not afraid of risks and gambling. They are people of many talents and dual natures. Their inner workings are different from what they show on the outside. Their moods are constantly changing. When their conduct is good, they are excellent workers and gladly come to the aid of others. But when they are in a bad mood, they are inert and indifferent. Generally, your situation is good. They conduct their business with skill and order. They pay attention to their behavior, appearance, and clothing. They can count on success in military-related careers. His brothers can get good positions. They make valiant efforts to achieve wealth and a good position. What threatens them: They can expect opposition, but they can also defeat their enemies. Your life depends on risk.

    Zodiac sign for those born on May 26

    If your birthday is on May 26, your zodiac sign is  Gemini

    May 26 - personality and character

    character:  empathetic, cheerful, subtle, brusque, nervous, curious; profession:  audit or, turner, doctor; colors:  olive, cream, beige; stone:  cimfano; animal:  turkey; plant:  strawberry; lucky numbers:  3,7,14,21,39,46 super lucky number:  19

    Holidays and observances - May 26

    • Poland: Mother's Day.
    • Uruguay: National Book Day.
    • World Sherry Day.
    • Guyana: Independence Day.
    • Georgia: Independence Day.

    May 26 Celebrity Birthday. Who was born the same day as you?

    1900: Lesley Selander, American filmmaker (d. 1979). 1902: Jesდºs Pabდ³n, Spanish historian and politician (d. 1976). 1903: Otto Abetz, German diplomat, ambassador of Nazi Germany in France (d. 1958). 1904: Vlado Perlemuter, French pianist and teacher of Lithuanian origin (d. 2002). 1907: John Wayne, American actor, singer, filmmaker and producer (d. 1979). 1907: Joaquდ­n Gდ³mez Bas, Spanish novelist (d. 1984). 1908: Adolfo Lდ³pez Mateos, Mexican politician, president between 1958 and 1964 (d. 1969). 1908: Robert Morley, British actor (d. 1992). 1909: Sir Matt Busby, Scottish football player and coach (d. 1994). 1910: Imi Lichtenfeld, Hungarian-Israeli martial artist, boxer and gymnast (d. 1998). 1912: Jდ¡nos Kდ¡dდ¡r, Hungarian politician and mechanic, 46th Prime Minister of his country (d. 1989). 1912: Jay Silverheels, Canadian actor (d. 1980). 1913: Peter Cushing, British actor (d. 1994). 1913: Pierre Daninos, French writer (d. 2005). 1919: Rubდ©n Gonzდ¡lez, Cuban pianist (f. 2003). 1920: Peggy Lee, American jazz singer-songwriter (d. 2002). 1921: Inge Borkh, German soprano. 1923: James Arness, American actor (d. 2011). 1926: Miles Davis, American jazz trumpeter, bandleader and composer (d. 1991). 1926: Antonio Prieto, Chilean singer and actor (d. 2011). 1928: Jack Kevorkian, American physician, assisted suicide activist and essayist (d. 2011). 1929: Hans Freeman, Australian chemist and crystalgrapher (d. 2008). 1929: Catherine Sauvage, French singer and actress (d. 1998). 1932: Ramდ³n Hoyos, Colombian cyclist (d. 2014). 1933: Jean Graczyk, French cyclist (d. 2004). 1937: Manorama, Indian actress and singer (d. 2015). 1938: William Bolcom, American pianist and composer. 1938: Teresa Stratas, Canadian soprano and actress. 1939: Alejandro Foxley, Chilean economist and politician. 1939: Herb Trimpe, American writer and illustrator (d. 2015). 1940: Levon Helm, American drummer, singer, songwriter and actor, of the band The Band (d. 2012). 1941: Aldrich Ames, criminal and American agent of the CIA. 1941: Cliff Drysdale, South African tennis player. 1942: Nury Flores, Venezuelan actress. 1945: Carmelo Artiles, Spanish professor and politician (d. 2011). 1945: Vilasrao Deshmukh, Indian lawyer and politician, 17th Prime Minister of Majarastra (d. 2012). 1945: Consuelo Luzardo, Colombian actress. 1946: Neshka Robeva, Bulgarian gymnast and coach. 1946: Mick Ronson, British guitarist, composer and producer (d. 1993). 1948: Stevie Nicks, American singer and songwriter. 1949: Jean Franდ§ois Casanovas, actor and director of the Franco-Argentine theater (d. 2015). 1949: Jeremy Corbyn, British politician and journalist. 1949: Ward Cunningham, American programmer, creator of the first wiki. 1949: Pam Grier, American actress. 1949: Philip Michael Thomas, African-American actor, from the Miami Vice series. 1949: Hank Williams Jr., American singer, songwriter and guitarist. 1951: Ramდ³n Calderდ³n, former president of the Real Madrid Football Club. 1951: Sally Ride, American astronaut, first American woman in space (d. 2012). 1953: Kay Hagan, American lawyer and politician. 1953: Michael Portillo, British journalist, defense secretary and politician. 1953: Dan Roundfield, American basketball player (d. 2012). 1954: Alan Hollinghurst, British novelist, poet, short story writer, and translator. 1955: Paul Stoddart, Australian businessman. 1957: Mary Bell, former British convict 1957: Diomedes Dდ­az, Colombian singer and songwriter Vallenatero (f. 2013). 1957: Roberto Ravaglia, Italian motorsport driver. 1958: Margaret Colin, American actress. 1959: Raimundo Amador, Spanish musician. 1960: Doug Hutchison, American actor. 1962: Bobcat Goldthwait, American actor, director and screenwriter. 1963: Simon Armitage, British poet, playwright and novelist. 1964: Caitlin R. Kiernan, Irish paleontologist and writer. 1964: Lenny Kravitz, singer and American multi-instrumentalist. 1964: Edu Torres, Spanish basketball player and coach. 1966: Zola Budd, South African athlete. 1966: Helena Bonham Carter, British actress. 1967: Mika Yamamoto, Japanese journalist (d. 2012). 1968: Simon Diamond, American baseball player and wrestler. 1968: Fernando Leდ³n de Aranoa, Spanish filmmaker. 1969: Siri Lindley, American triathlete and coach. 1970: Nobuhiro Watsuki, Japanese mangaka and illustrator. 1971: Matt Stone, American actor and comedian, creator of South Park. 1972: Sergio Vallდ­n, Mexican guitarist, of the Manდ¡ band. 1974: Enrique Osses, Chilean soccer referee. 1975: Juan Manuel Cabrejo Pasantes, Spanish footballer. 1975: Lauryn Hill, American singer, songwriter, producer and actress. 1975: Takeshi Tsuruno, Japanese actor and musician. 1976: Kenny Florian, American martial artist and sportscaster. 1977: Mark Hunter, American singer, of the band Chimaira. 1977: Roberto Plantier, Mexican actor. 1977: Misaki Ito, Japanese actress, mother of Karin. 1977: Luca Toni, Italian footballer. 1978: Fabio Firmani, Italian footballer. 1978: Rocდ­o Madrid, Spanish television presenter and actress. 1978: Dan Parks, Australian-British rugby player. 1979: Elisabeth Harnois, American actress. 1979: Ashley Massaro, American professional wrestler. 1979: Natalya Nazarova, Russian runner and athlete. 1979: Mehmet Okur, Turkish basketball player. 1981: Isaac Slade, American singer, songwriter and pianist. 1982: Monique Alexander, American porn actress and model. 1982: Mauricio Mejდ­a, Mexican actor and stylist. 1982: Hasan Kabze, Turkish footballer. 1982: Yoko Matsugane, Japanese model. 1983: Demy de Zeeuw, Dutch footballer. 1984: Raდºl Coronado, Mexican actor. 1986: Astrid Berges-Frisbey, French-Spanish actress 1988: Andrea Catellani, Italian footballer. 1988: Juan Guillermo Cuadrado, Colombian footballer. 1988: Orlando Sდ¡nchez, Dominican basketball player. 1989: Amit Farkash, Israeli actress. 1990: Eric Griffin, American basketball player. 1991: Julianna Rose Mauriello, American actress.