october 30 zodiac

    People born on October 30 owe their career to themselves.

    Horoscope and personality for those born on October 30

    They put significant justice and energy along with a sense of dignity, a foundation for their future greatness. Intelligent, inventive people, characterized by practical skills. They are the creators of your position and good reputation. Your work can earn you excellent position and wealth. They can become excellent physicians because they are talented, calm, with a quiet inner power that works even in the most stubborn patients. Their diagnoses are unusually fast and accurate, and their sharpness might even make them capable of standing out as detectives. They may also be successful in trade, the exploitation of inventions, as well as in professions related to gemstones and metals and engineering. Most of the time they are not original about their work; however, their cunning enables them to pick up on other people's more inventive ideas and to use them skillfully. Their excellent analytical skills and destructive criticism also make them successful as employees. They are honest people, especially when it comes to criminal matters, from which they run. When others recoil from difficulties and obstacles, people born on this day find only encouragement. Every problem that requires a lot of effort and heroic perseverance attracts them immediately. To be truly happy, you must overcome difficulties and obstacles. They are interested in everything related to the creation of a new life and death. Dedicated to life in its subtlest forms.

    Zodiac sign for those born on October 30

    If your birthday is on October 30, your zodiac sign is  Scorpio

    October 30 - personality and character

    character:  reasonable, careful, polite, talkative, double-sided, insistent; profession:  janitor, structural engineer, director; colors:  teal, red, orange; stone:  orthoclase; animal:  ostrich; plant:  Thyme; lucky numbers:  4,6,13,15,20,24 super lucky number:  27

    Holidays and Observances - October 30

    • Cinema Day.
    • Graphic Designer Day (Colombia).

    October 30 Celebrity Birthday. Who was born the same day as you?

    1900: Agustდ­n Lara, Mexican singer-songwriter and actor (d. 1970). 1900: Finnish scientist Ragnar Granit, 1967 Nobel Prize in Medicine (d. 1991). 1903: Carlos Marcucci, Argentine tango musician (d. 1957). 1906: Giuseppe Farina, Italian Formula 1 driver (d. 1966). 1906: Andrei Tikhonov, Russian mathematician (d. 1993). 1907: Guillermo Ascanio, Spanish military man (d. 1941). 1910: Miguel Hernდ¡ndez, Spanish poet (d. 1942). 1912: Josდ© Ferrater Mora, Spanish philosopher, essayist and writer (d. 1991). 1914: Luis Marcelo Zelarayდ¡n, Argentine doctor (d. 1973). 1917: Maurice Trintignant, French motor racing driver (d. 2005). 1921: Wolf Ruvinskis, actor, wrestler, magician, archer and Mexican businessman of Latvian origin (d. 1999). 1922: Josდ© Luis Villar Palasდ­, Spanish intellectual and politician (d. 2012). 1924: Cabro Carrera, Chilean drug trafficker (f. 1999). 1928: Daniel Nathans, American microbiologist, 1978 Nobel Prize in Medicine (d. 1999). 1929: Eduardo Davidson, Cuban singer-songwriter (f. 1994). 1929: Olga Zubarry, Argentine actress (d. 2012). 1930: Nდ©stor Almendros, Spanish director of photography (d. 1992). 1930: Clifford Brown, American jazz trumpeter (d. 1956). 1932: Louis Malle, French filmmaker (d. 1995). 1935: Exhaust Kristof, Hungarian writer (d. 2011). 1935: Michael Winner, British director (d. 2013). 1938: Hდ©ctor Larrea, Argentine radio and television presenter. 1938: Ed Lauter, American actor (d. 2013). 1939: Leland H. Hartwell, American scientist, 2001 Nobel Prize winner for medicine. 1939: Grace Slick, American singer, of the band Jefferson Airplane. 1940: Vilma Ferrდ¡n, Argentine actress (d. 2014). 1941: Theodor W. Hდ¤nsch, German physicist, Nobel Prize winner for physics in 2005. 1941: Leonor Benedetto, Argentine actress. 1942: Linda Schele, American archaeologist (d. 1988). 1943: Lisandro Duque Naranjo, Colombian filmmaker. 1944: Josდ©-Miguel Ullდ¡n, Spanish poet and journalist (d. 2009). 1945: Henry Winkler, American actor, film director, producer and writer. 1946: Horacio Fontova, Argentine musician. 1947: Raდºl Carnota, Argentine folk singer-songwriter (d. 2014). 1949: Jorge Bucay, Argentine playwright, therapist and writer. 1953: Carlos Antonio Vდ©lez, Colombian sports journalist. 1953: დ?lvaro Morales Rodrდ­guez, actor, theater director and Spanish poet (d. 2011). 1954: Mario Testino, Peruvian photographer. 1956: Juliet Stevenson, British actress. 1958: Quique Hernდ¡ndez, Spanish soccer coach. 1958: Julia Zenko, Argentine singer. 1960: Diego Armando Maradona, Argentine soccer player. 1962: Eduardo Benavente, Spanish musician (d. 1983). 1966: Rodrigo Hernდ¡n Martდ­n, Argentine musician, from the Juana La Loca band. 1967: Gavin Rossdale, British guitarist, of the band Bush. 1969: Snow, Canadian musician. 1970: Nia Long, American actress. 1973: Adam Copeland, Canadian professional wrestler. 1973: Silvia Corzo, Colombian news anchor. 1973: Federico Vaona, Italian composer and music producer. 1975: Marco Scutaro, Venezuelan baseball player. 1976: Viacheslav Dinerchtein, Belarusian-Mexican violist. 1976: Stern John, Trinidadian footballer. 1976: Maurice Taylor, American basketball player. 1978: Matthew Morrison, American actor. 1978: Cristina Castaდ±o, Spanish actress. 1979: Jason Bartlett, American baseball player. 1979: Laura Ros, Argentine folk singer and instrumentalist. 1979: Yukie Nakama, actress, singer and former Japanese idol gravure. 1981: Ivanka Trump, American businesswoman and model, daughter of billionaire Donald Trump. 1981: Jun Ji Hyun, South Korean actress and model. 1984: Eva Pigford, American model, winner of America's Next Top Model. 1986: Sebastiდ¡n Crismanich, Argentine Olympic taekwondo player. 1987: Steve Rushton, British musician. 1987: Yumi Uchiyama, Japanese voice actress. 1988: Cristina Pedroche, Spanish actress, model and reporter. 1989: Jay Asforis, singer, actor and British dancer, of the band S Club 8. 1989: Nastia Liukin, American gymnast of Russian origin. 1989: Vanessa White, British singer-songwriter. 1991: Agustდ­n Almeyda, Argentine singer-songwriter. 1996: Sofდ­a Castro, Mexican actress. 1996: Mizuki Fukumura, Japanese idol and leader of the band Morning Musume.