Psalm 100 - Thanksgiving Hymn

    The PS 100 belongs to Book IV Book of Psalms, which is composed of a collection of 150 texts arranged by 5 poetry books. The Book of Psalms, for its wisdom and basic principles of human action, is considered the heart of the Old Testament. Book IV encompasses Psalms 90 to 106. Psalm 100 is divided into 5 Verses. The Psalms are poetic prayers addressed to God, being the privileged way to address and speak to Him. These prayers represent human experiences and religious conscience. They portray the common man, with his faults, insecurities, fears, and hopes. Even today, we can identify with the Psalmist and draw inspiration from these texts to pray and plead with God when we feel lost and anguished or to express our gratitude for some blessing received. "There are enemies or friends, there is life or death, health or illness, pain or joy, and most of the time, there are no changes or gradations. Words are like stones and poetry; like boulders carved by chisel"; "The Psalms are a bit like mountain paths, simple, especially when walking on snow, but they lead to the peaks; they are paths toward the peaks of meeting the Lord." - Carlo Maria Martini, Cardinal of Milan

    Psalm 100 - Thanksgiving Hymn

    1  Psalm. For Thanksgiving. Shout the Lord, whole earth! 2  Serve the Lord with joy, go into his presence with joy! 3  Know that the Lord alone is God; it was He who made us and to Him, we belong; we are his people and the flock of which he is the shepherd. 4  Enter into its gates with thanksgiving, into its courts with songs of praise; thank him and bless his name. 5  For the Lord is good; His mercy is eternal, and his faithfulness continues from generation to generation.

    Meaning and interpretation

    Psalm 100 is a thanksgiving hymn that invites all people to praise God in the sanctuary. From the standpoint of doctrinal content, this invitation rests on some essential statements about God: He created his people; his goodness and mercy are eternal. This Psalm ends the series of Psalms of the Kingship of Yahweh, which began with Psalm 91. It could be a welcome hymn on the occasion of the communion sacrifices. The Psalms of Praise are hymns addressed to God. In this sense, the Bible continues the church literature of neighboring and previous religions, where hymns are the most common way for people to address divinity, especially in contexts of greater solemnity. These Psalms were of great importance in the lives of biblical heroes. The preaching of the word of the prophets or the teaching of wisdom reflection appears closely linked to the cultural activities of the people of Israel. They express, solemnly and simply, the believer's recognition of the efficacious presence of God who saves his people, for he is mercy that lasts forever; it is a refuge from the dangers of life; it is joy. And joy; it is prosperity that feeds its people; it is light in times of darkness and salvation on Earth and eternal life. The texts of the Book of Psalms oscillate between a shout and praise, supplication, and joy. Perhaps its authors understood that Man can only express his supplications, laments, or thirst for revenge before God if he is immersed in the spirit of praise that sings life stronger than death. Perhaps, beyond the scream, the lament, or the anger, they realized that what moves these words is nothing but that life force that explodes in praise when it comes out of violence or when it goes through death. These hymns narrate, thus, the greatness or improvements and the thanks that flow from it. Examples of this are Psalm 8; 19; 28; 33; 47; 65-66; 93; 96-100; 104-105; 111; 113; 117; 135; 146; 148-150. Hymns can also be addressed to the king, focusing especially on the ceremony of royal enthronement, with every expectation of divine intervention for the well-being of the people and the just ordering of the world. In this case, the Psalms were performed at court parties, in the presence of the king, and in celebrations for victory over enemies, among others. Some examples are Psalm 2; 18; 20; 21; 27; 51; 60; 61. With the end of the monarchy, these Psalms were accentuating the messianic connotations, which already had implicit. This is the case with Psalm 2; 18; 20-21; 45; 72; 89; 101; 110; 132; 144. The Psalms celebrating Jerusalem, which with the temple has a special connection to God, are also considered hymns. These are Ps 46; 48; 76; 84; 87; 122.

    The Book of Psalms

    The Five Books Of Psalms

    The Power of Prayer in Dialogue with the Divine

    The Psalms elevate our thoughts to the Divine and prayer is the power of the word. Prayer is the language of faith. Any thought, word, or image addressed to God is called prayer. It is through it that we come into contact with our God within and, therefore, it is so powerful in transforming life. Prayer can produce miracles, turn dreams into reality, and give us hope for change, harmony, and peace with ourselves and the world. Each Psalm has an intention that helps us meditate and walk with our God. For many theologians, the Book of Psalms has a prophetic or messianic tone as its verses refer to the coming of Christ into the world of men to guide them through the uncertainty and doubts of Human existence. The prayer has the power to call the Spiritual Universe full mode, honest, sincere, conscious, for the purpose of spiritual self-protection, family protection, and those who are dear to us, to have peace of mind, spiritual and physical, for prosperity and success, to protect health and relationships, to ward off negative energies and, above all, to connect us to something bigger than ourselves. From this peace, well-being, hope, and goodness in front of everyone and everything results. Faith can change our lives. It gives us tranquility and spiritual strength to face challenges. It helps us to meditate on our mission in life and to create a balanced and healthy environment for ourselves and those we love. When you pray, fill your heart with love and determination. The Psalms will guide you on a path of peace and communion with higher energy.