Psalm 132 - God's Promises to David

    [New International Version] Psalm 132 belongs to Book V of the Book of Psalms. It is in effectively and honestly performing the higher functions of power that man shows himself to be the image of God.

    The  PS 132  belong to Book V  Book of Ps , which is composed of a collection of texts 150 arranged by 5 poetry books. The Book of Psalms, for its  wisdom  and  basic principles  of human action , is considered the heart of the Old Testament. Book V encompasses  Psalms 107  to  150 . Psalm 132 is divided into 18 Verses. The Psalms are poems-prayers addressed to God, being the privileged way to address and speak to Him. These prayers represent human experiences and religious conscience . They portray the common man , with his faults, insecurities, fears and hopes and, even today, we can identify with the Psalmist and draw inspiration from these texts to pray and plead with God when we feel lost and anguished or to express our gratitude for some blessing received. "There are enemies or friends, there is life or death, health or illness, pain or joy and, most of the time, there are no changes or gradations. Words are like stones and poetry like boulders carved by chisel"; "The Psalms are a bit like mountain paths, simple, especially when walking on snow, but they lead to the peaks; they are paths toward the peaks of meeting the Lord." - Carlo Maria Martini, Cardinal of Milan

    Psalm 132 - God's Promises to David

    1  Song of Pilgrimages . Sir, remember David and all his works. 2  He swore an oath to the Lord, a vow to the Mighty One of Jacob: 3  "I will not enter the shelter of my house, nor go up to my bed of rest; 4  I will not give sleep to my eyes nor rest to my eyelids, 5  until he finds a place for the Lord, a worthy abode for the Mighty One of Jacob". 6  We heard that the ark was in Ephratha, we found it in the fields of Jaar. 7  Let's enter your address! Let us prostrate ourselves at her footstool! 8  Arise and come, Lord, to your resting place, You and the ark of your power! 9  May your priests put on righteousness, and your faithful ones rejoice with joy. 10  For the sake of David your servant, do not fail to welcome your anointed one. 11  The Lord swore an oath to David, a sure promise, from which he will not turn back: "It will be one of your descendants that I will put on the throne for you. 12  If your children keep My covenant and the precepts I teach them, their children also shall forever sit on the throne for thee." 13  For the Lord chose Zion, and desired her dwelling place there: 14  "This will be my resting place forever, here I will dwell, because I wanted it so. 15 I will  bless, yea, I will bless her provisions, I will satiate her poor with bread. 16 I will  clothe her priests with splendor, and her faithful shall rejoice with joy. 17  There I will cause the power of David to germinate, for I have prepared a lamp for my anointed one. 18  His enemies will I cover with shame, but his diadem shall blossom upon him " .

    Meaning and interpretation

    The Psalm 132 is often included in the category of real Psalms. The central figure throughout is that of King David . And this for several reasons. First, because he made the decision to look for a place to establish the sanctuary of the Lord . Second, because God made a promise to grant him in Zion a perennial dynasty of descendants . The symbolism of royalty and its agents, both in worship and in politics, is related to the covenant between God and the people. The question of whether the royal diadem, referred to in the last verse, concerns God or the king has marked the history of translations since antiquity. It is by effectively and honestly performing the higher functions of power that man shows himself to be the image of God . The Prophetic Psalms or Royal Psalms are prayers of praise to the king, affirmations of God's favor to the king, prayers for the king, royal oracles, and descriptions of the righteousness and piety due to the figure who has the responsibility to govern the people. These Psalms were performed at court parties, in the presence of the king, in celebrations of victory over an enemy, among other occasions involving the government. Often, the text refers to a messianic note where certain behaviors can lead to certain outcomes. The Prophetic Psalms reinforce the holiness of God , creator of all that exists between heaven and earth. They also remember his mercy and eternal justice and the importance of showing your face to the believer and to the peoples. Their action provides a guide to behavior not only for individuals but also for those responsible for governing and enforcing justice.

    The Book of Psalms

    The Joy and Happiness of the Righteous in Communion with God

    The Psalms are prayer-poems addressed to God, being the privileged way to address and speak to Him. Depicting the common man , with his failures, insecurities, fears and hopes, we can still identify with the Psalmist and be inspired today in Psalms to make prayers and supplications to God in times of trouble or express our gratitude for some blessing received. The Psalms, despite being written in Antiquity, still move , sensitize , awaken feelings , inspire and enchant . In them, we can identify anguish and joy , deeply human feelings, praises, supplications, teachings of reflection on spiritual wisdom and prophetic words. Written for different situations , some Psalms are intimate, revealing the author's personal relationship with God; others provide guidelines and advice for life, others are compositions for specific liturgical events such as rituals and pilgrimages. The Book of Psalms is composed of a collection of 150 poetic texts and is divided into five parts, called Psalm Books or Booklets. Each Book closes with short hymns of praise to God . The division into five parts was considered to correspond to the five books of Moses and it is assumed that each passage in the Pentateuch (first five books of the Bible, called Torah by the Jews) was read in parallel with the corresponding Psalm. Its main forms are lamentation , supplication , praise and gratitude .

    The Power of Prayer in Dialogue with the Divine

    The Psalms elevate our thoughts to the Divine and prayer is the power of the word . Prayer is the language of faith. Any thought, word or image addressed to God is called prayer . It is through it that we come into contact with our God within and, therefore, it is so powerful in transforming life . Prayer can produce miracles , turn dreams into reality, give us hope for change , harmony and peace with ourselves and the world. Each Psalm has an intention that helps us meditate and walk with our God . For many theologians, the Book of Psalms has a prophetic or messianic tone as its verses refer to the coming of Christ into the world of men to guide them through the uncertainty and doubts of Human existence. The prayer has the power to call the Spiritual Universe full mode, honest, sincere, conscious, for the purpose of spiritual self-protection, family protection and those who are dear to us, to have peace of mind, spiritual and physical, for prosperity and success, to protect health and relationships, to ward off negative energies and, above all, to connect us to something bigger than ourselves. From this peace , well-being, hope and goodness in front of everyone and everything result. The faith can change our lives. It gives us tranquility and spiritual strength to face challenges. It helps us to meditate on our mission in life and to create a balanced and healthy environment for ourselves and those we love. When you pray, fill your heart with love and determination . The Psalms will guide you on a path of peace and communion with the higher energy.